Showing posts with label gays in history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gays in history. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: Coming Out in Germany in the Nineteenth Century!

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a lawyer and journalist, helped forge the concept of sexual identity as an innate human characteristic in pamphlets he wrote from 1864 to 1879.

Quote: “I am proud, that I found the courage to deal the initial blow to the hydra of public contempt.” – Karl Heinrich Ulrichs

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs is known as one of the first gay men to publicly announce his sexual identity. Born in Germany in 1825, his coming out was a historic and brave moment. During his lifetime, Ulrichs wrote numerous essays discussing homosexuality and asserting that non-heterosexual orientations are natural and biological. Despite being arrested numerous times, Ulrichs stated in the above quotation that he was proud of the work that he did for the LGBTQ community. [Source: Human Rights Careers: 20 Powerful LGBT Quotes that made history

Overlooked No More: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Pioneering Gay Activist: Before the word “homosexuality” existed, he argued that same-sex attraction was innate, and that those who experienced it should be treated the same as anyone else. »