Kim Howells blamed “political correctness” for fostering a situation in which dozens of extremists being sent to fight the West after being indoctrinated in Britain.
The Daily Telegraph has disclosed this week how terrorist recruits from across Africa and the Middle East flocked to London to claim asylum.
According to leaked detainee files from the US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, obtained by the WikiLeaks website and passed to The Daily Telegraph, at least 35 detainees were sent to fight against the West after being indoctrinated in Britain.
Mr Howells, a former foreign office minister and chairman of the influential Commons intelligence and security committee, blamed “political correctness” which meant that the extremists and their views were not challenged.
He said: “There is a great reluctance to talk about the whole issue. » | Christopher Hope, Whitehall Editor | Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Oh, for Christ's sake, grow a spine! (No blasphemy intended! Literally, for the sake of Christ! Otherwise the West will not belong to Christ.) You lot in Westminster and in other institutions are so, so weak. What the hell are we paying you weaklings for? Spineless creatures! Spineless to the Nth degree! Quite sickening! – © Mark