Showing posts with label decapitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decapitation. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

British Tenerife Tourist Beheaded by 'Prophet of God' Attacker

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A British woman has been beheaded in front of horrified tourists in a supermarket on the Spanish holiday island of Tenerife, allegedly by a man who claimed he was a 'Prophet of God'.

The woman, who was described as being in her 60s, was in a shop in the town of Arona, about 10 miles from the popular beach resort of Los Christianos [sic], when she was stabbed and then decapitated.

According to witnesses, the attacker, who is thought to be a homeless man of Bulgarian origin, entered the store, grabbed a knife and launched a frenzied and unprovoked assault.

The attacker, who apparently had a history of violent behaviour, then decapitated her before leaving the store carrying her head. Today Spanish newspapers said police had arrested a 28-year-old man named locally as "Deyan Valentinov D", declining to give his full surname.

It was also claimed that he had spent time in a psychiatric hospital and thought he was a "Prophet of God". Local news website site quoted the local mayor, José Reverón, as saying that the man, who lived in a semi-derelict house, had shouted: "God is on Earth".

Mr Reverón added that the attacker was known to local police for his often threatening behaviour in the street, and had once knocked a man's teeth out, raising questions as to why he had not been kept him under closer supervision. » | Andy Bloxham, and Martin Evans | Saturday, May 14, 2011

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The ‘Prophet of God’ Was Known to Be Violent »

NEWS IN THE SUN: Woman Decapitated in Los Cristianos »

EL PAÍS: Un hombre decapita a una mujer en una tienda en Tenerife: El presunto agresor, con antecedentes, entró en el establecimiento y asesinó a la mujer, con la que no consta que tuviera relación » | Pedro Murillo | TENERIFE | Viernes, 13 de mayo 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Spain: British Woman Beheaded in Front of Tourists on Spanish Holiday Island Tenerife

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A British woman has been beheaded in front of horrified tourists in a supermarket on the Spanish holiday island of Tenerife.

The woman, who was described as being in her 60s, was in shop in the town of Arona, about 10 miles from the popular beach resort of Los Christianos [sic], when she was brutally stabbed to [death] and then decapitated.

According to witnesses, the attacker, who is thought to be a homeless man of Bulgarian origin, entered the store, grabbed a knife and launched a frenzied and unprovoked attack on the woman.

He then decapitated her before leaving the store carrying her head.

Holidaymakers and locals on the Spanish island described their complete shock and horror after witnessing the scene, which took place at around 10.30am local time (9.30am GMT) on Friday.

British journalist Colin Kirby, 50, who lives in Tenerife, was walking past the store when he saw the attacker emerging. » | Andy Bloxham, and Martin Evans | Friday, May 13, 2011

THE GUARDIAN: British woman beheaded in Tenerife supermarket: Man ran into supermarket on Spanish island, grabbed knife, killed woman then rushed out carrying head » | Giles Tremlett in Madrid and Karen McVeigh | Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, September 03, 2010

Pays-Bas : un appel au meurtre de Geert Wilders lancé sur un site djihadiste

Dans cette intervention sur un site djihadiste, le populiste néerlandais Geert Wilders est accusé d'insulter le prophète et de se moquer de l'islam. Photo : Le Monde

LE MONDE: Feiz Muhammad, un prédicateur islamiste radical, a lancé un appel en vue du meurtre de Geert Wilders, le leader populiste du Parti pour la liberté (PVV) aux Pays-Bas. Les services antiterroristes néerlandais (AIVD) sont en possession de l'enregistrement d'un message posté sur un site djihadiste par cette figure connue de la mouvance radicale. Etabli en Australie, Feiz Muhammad répondait aux questions de jeune radicaux néerlandais, explique, vendredi 3 septembre, le site Web du quotidien De Telegraaf, où le message peut être consulté.

Dans cette intervention, M. Wilders est accusé d'insulter le prophète et de se moquer de l'islam. Dès lors, il convient de "le tuer" et de "le décapiter", indique le prédicateur. Informé par De Telegraaf, M. Wilders s'est dit "choqué". Il a eu, jeudi soir, un entretien avec le coordinateur néerlandais de la lutte antiterroriste, Erik Akerboom, auquel il reproche de ne pas l'avoir immédiatement informé de cette affaire. >>> Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Bruxelles, correspondant | Vendredi 03 Septembre 2010

Radical Jihadist Terrorist & Hate Preacher Threatens to Behead Geert Wilders

LE MONDE: Aux Pays-Bas, Geert Wilders irrite en se prononçant contre la mosquée de Ground Zero >>> Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Bruxelles, correspondant | Lundi 09 Août 2010

Geert Wilders Denounces Australian Muslim Leader's Call for Beheading

THE TELEGRAPH: Geert Wilders, the maverick Dutch politician, denounced a Australian Muslim leader’s call for his beheading for denigrating Islam.

Mr Wilders, who lives under perpetual death threat and is the country’s most heavily guarded politician, demanded assurance from the country’s Interior Ministry that the message was been treated seriously.

“This is really terrible news and a very serious threat, unfortunately,” Mr Wilders said.“I will ask for clarification from the Dutch minister of interior/justice why the secret service and anti-terrorism unit NCTb have not informed me before and what the consequences will be for me.”

Sydney-born Feiz Muhammad posted a speech on an Internet site in which he condemned Mr Wilders as “this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland” and called on his followers to “chop off his head” because Wilders “denigrated” Islam. >>> | Friday, September 03, 2010

FINANCIAL TIMES: Wilders pulls out as Dutch talks fail: Geert Wilders, the anti-Islamic Dutch politician, ruled himself out of a government role on Friday as the latest attempt to form a ruling coalition in the Netherlands collapsed. >>> Michael Steen in Amsterdam | Friday, September 03, 2010

Bullshit from ‘The Financial Times’ on Islam and Immigration >>>

Friday, January 23, 2009

Virginia Tech Student Decapitated

YAHOO! NEWS: A student has been decapitated in a cafe at Virginia Tech university, the site of the worst school massacre in US history two years ago.

Xin Yang's head was cut off with a kitchen knife, just weeks after arriving in the United States from China to study accounting.
Her alleged attacker, Haiyang Zhu, also from China, was arrested at the scene by an officer who arrived less than a minute after receiving an emergency call.

On January 7, he wrote on a Chinese-language blog he had been so frustrated over stock losses and other problems that he thought "only of killing someone or committing suicide".

Miss Xin, 22, was believed to have been having coffee with Haiyang in the campus Au Bon Pain cafe. >>> Sky News | Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>