Showing posts with label conversione all'islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conversione all'islam. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Sun: Michael Jackson si è convertito all'islam

RAINEWS 24: Michael Jackson la celebre e discussa pop star americana si e' convertita all'Islam: lo scrive il tabloid britannico Sun. Il suo nome musulmano sarebbe ora Mikaeel, quello di uno degli angeli di Allah.

La pop-star, cresciuta dalla famiglia come Testimone di Geova, si sarebbe convertita per migliorare la propria vita, come successo a molti suoi amici recentemente diventati musulmani. Secondo il giornale la cerimonia sarebbe avvenuta, alla presenza di un imam, in casa dell'amico Steve Porcaro, a Los Angeles.

Michael Jackson e' atteso nel fine settimana a Londra, dove deve deporre nella causa intentata contro di lui da uno sceicco del Bahrein che lo accusa di aver violato un contratto, e chiede un indennizzo di 7 milioni di dollari. Jackson dovrebbe deporre in aula da lunedi'. [Origine: RAINEWS 24] Londra | 21 novembre 2008

THE SUN: The Way You Mecca Me Feel

MICHAEL JACKSON has become a Muslim — and changed his name to MIKAEEL.

The skint superstar, 50, donned Islamic garb to pledge allegiance to the Koran in a ceremony at a pal’s mansion in Los Angeles, The Sun can reveal.

Jacko sat on the floor wearing a tiny hat after an Imam was summoned to officiate — days before the singer is due to appear at London’s High Court where he is being sued by an Arab sheik.

A source told last night how Jacko, brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness, decided to convert as he used a studio at the home of his chum to record a new album.

The star — whose hits include The Way You Make Me Feel — was spotted looking “a bit down” by a producer and a songwriter who had both embraced Islam. >>> By Neil Syson | November 21, 2008

THE TELEGRAPH: Michael Jackson 'Converts to Islam and Changes Name to Mikaeel'

Michael Jackson apparently used to walk about Bahrain in a woman’s abayah. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Michael Jackson has reportedly become a Muslim and changed his name to Mikaeel.

The singer, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, converted to Islam in a ceremony at a friend's house in Los Angeles.

He is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated.

According to The Sun, the ceremony took place while Jackson, 50, was recording an album at the home of Steve Porcaro, a keyboard player who composed music on his Thriller album.

The former Jackson 5 star was counselled by David Wharnsby, a Canadian songwriter, and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who have both converted. >>> By Graham Tibbetts | November 21, 2008

Is it to be Muhammad, Abdullah or just Mikha'el Jackson? >>>

BILD: Michael Jackson ist jetzt Moslem

Er wurde als Zeuge Jehova aufgezogen, jetzt ist er Moslem: Popstar Michael Jackson (50) hat die Religion gewechselt.

Die Zeremonie in Los Angeles vollzog „Jacko“ alle nötigen Riten. Zu dem Schritt entschlossen hat er sich, während er im Tonstudio eines Freundes an einem neuen Album arbeitete. Das berichtet die „Sun“

Ab jetzt heißt Michael nicht mehr Michael, sondern „Mikael“. Den Namen „Mustafa“, der ihm zuerst angeboten wurde, lehnte er ab.

Quellen zufolge soll Michael, oder besser gesagt Mikael, in L.A. auch Besuch von Yousef Islam (60) bekommen haben, der mit ihm feierte. Der Sänger, besser bekannt als Cat Stevens, war bereits Ende de siebziger Jahre zum Islam konvertiert. >>> | 21. November 2008

BLICK: Michael Jackson ist Muslim!

LOS ANGELES - Erst sein Aussehen, jetzt sein Glaube: Michael Jackson konvergiert [konvertiert / hat sich bekehrt] zum Islam. Doch das ist dem Popstar nicht genug: Er hat jetzt auch noch einen neuen Namen!

Michael Jackson ist wahrlich ein Meister der Verwandlung. Und das in relativ grundlegenden Angelegenheiten. Der Popstar änderte einst seine Hautfarbe. Jetzt wechselt er auch noch seine Konfession. Kein Witz: Michael Jackson ist neu ein Muslim!

Den Religionswechsel vollzog Jackson im Haus eines Freundes in Los Angeles. Bei der Zeremonie war auch ein Imam anwesend. >>> | 21. November 2008

LA STAMPA: Michael Jackson sceglie l'Islam "Da oggi chiamatemi Mikaeel"

La popstar folgorata da Allah lunedì sarà in tribunale. E' accusato di aver intascato il denaro di uno sceicco

Dopo le mille evoluzioni fisiche grazie al bisturi, Michael Jackson si evolve anche nell’anima: il cantante è diventato musulmano e ha cambiato il suo nome in Mikaeel, il nome di uno degli angeli di Allah. È quanto scrive The Sun rivelando i particolari della cerimonia di conversione e ricordando che ciò avviene pochi giorni prima che Jacko, 50 anni, si presenti davanti alla Royal Court of Justice di Londra perché accusato di aver indebitamente intascato 7 milioni di dollari da Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, secondogenito dello sceicco del Bahrein.

La cerimonia è avvenuta nella casa di Los Angeles di un suo amico, Steve Porcaro, musicista e autore che compose alcuni dei brani contenuti nell’album «Thriller». Erano presenti anche David Wharnsby, compositore canadese, e il produttore Phillip Bubal, entrambi già convertiti all’Islam. Il rito è stato ufficiato da un Imam a un Michael Jackson-Mikaeel, un tempo Testimone di Geova, vestito con la tradizionale tunica bianca. >>> | 21/11/2008

ALL NEWS WEB: Al-Qaeda Welcomes Michael Jackson to Islam

Initial reports are already filtering through that Al-Qaeda has warmly welcomed Michael Jackson into their faith and are confident that this high profile conversion will prove to be the turning point whereby millions of young Americans, already disillusioned by the economic crisis that is sapping Americas confidence will turn to the Koran for inspiration. Sources close to Al Qaeda leadership are said to have have confirmed open satisfaction by leaders including Deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri according to some Pakistani news services.

It is claimed that Al Qaeda were already most surprised by the fact that Americans were prepared to vote in as President a candidate with some recent Muslim heritage, even if the President-elect is a practising Christian. Now with this latest celebrity conversion feel Al-Qaeda hope that the west is moving religiously towards Mecca. None of this stopped Ayman Al-Zawahiri referring to Obama as a ‘house negro ‘in a recent speech, however much praise was lavished on Malcolm X within the same speech. >>> | November 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>