Showing posts with label Western nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western nations. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The West’s Unholy Alliance

YNET NEWS: Op-ed: West increasingly currying favor with Islamists while ignoring their murderous tendencies

When philosophy professor Tom Hickey, one of the initiators of the British academic boycott on Israel, was asked why he refrained from imposing a boycott on the US and Russia too over their actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Chechnya, he responded without flinching that these states are too big and powerful, making such boycott ineffective.

Indeed, too often size dictates one’s position, even when it comes to philosophy professors, who on normal days would be horrified by the very thought that their students would seek to apply ethical principles based on considerations of size, power, and effectiveness.

And so, the greater the Islamic threat becomes, the more we see the Free World growing silent on the moral front. The clear tendency of Hickey and his ilk is to endorse almost any Islamist fanatic just to elicit some moderate tunes; for example, the growing Obama Administration’s tendency to “understand” the Muslims, among other things because “Islam is part of promoting global peace,” because “Jihad is about purifying,” and because “there is no connection between Islam and the murder of innocents.”

The above explains why people all over the world in recent days became so horrified by the pyromaniac fantasies of some crazy Florida minister, while completely ignoring Islamic threats to reignite America and the rest of the West, nine years after the September 11 attacks. >>> Shaul Rosenfeld * | Tuesday, September 14, 2010

* Dr. Shaul Rosenfeld is a philosophy lecturer

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tolerating Intolerance

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: THE involvement of Britons among the terrorists responsible for the murders of more than 150 people in Mumbai last week signals another milestone in the march of multiculturalism and the failure of Western and democratised nations to deal with Islamists.

In the mosques of London, leaders like Anjem Choudary, right-hand man to the hate-filled cleric Omar Bakri, were praising the killers, saying any Britons or Americans among the dead were targeted legitimately because they should not have gone to India.

"Muslims are being killed in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan every day through acts of atrocity against them.

But the media only report events like Mumbai,'' he told The Daily Mail as Indian police revealed that at least two terrorists they had captured were British-born Pakistanis.

In the UK, as in many European nations and in Australia, governments have permitted Muslim migrants to create their own enclaves and ghettos and preach their own interpretations of their religion, unhindered by the cultures of their host nations and often in contempt of the laws of the society of their host country.

Aided by the powerful civil rights lobbies and squadrons of lawyers, Islamists are waging a successful war to prevent further assimilation of Muslims into Western society, forcing women to wear traditional Islamic garb to emphasise their separateness, urging the introduction of Islamic sharia law into local courts.

From the shores of Somalia to the cells of Guantanamo, the West is in confused retreat, its politicians too concerned about appearing to be in breach of international civil rights covenants than they are about the safety of their citizens.

India, with its 150-million strong Muslim population - the largest outside Indonesia - is no different.

Though the vast majority of its Muslims are peaceable and law abiding, it has not been able to develop a coherent policy to deal with the terrorists, despite continuing attacks in which more than 4000 people have been murdered in the past four years.

Lying between two backward, Islamic-loving nations, Pakistan and Bangladesh, India is a forward-looking country with a vibrant economy that is seeking to take advantage of its assets, its large English-speaking population, its legacy of British laws.

The Indian Islamic community is isolated within the greater population, its members attuned to the cults of victimhood and hate which spew from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, across the Gulf from Mumbai.

Fearful, perhaps, of an Islamic uprising supported by the jihadist groups allowed shelter by Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Indian government has moved to appease, rather than challenge, Islamist supporters. >>> By Piers Akerman | November 30, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Australia) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Australia) >>>