Showing posts with label Western hairstyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western hairstyles. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Young Iranian's New Show of Freedom? Curly Locks

Photo: France 24

FRANCE 24: If Iran's hardliners had their way, men would keep their hair cropped short and women's locks would be out of sight under tight veils. As a result, free-spirited young Iranians have decided to wear their curly locks Jimmy Hendrix-style, a move less innocuous than it would first appear…

Iranian authorities banned “un-Islamic haircuts” in July 2010 during the yearly Modesty and Veil festival. Ponytails, mullets and punk hairstyles were forbidden, in favour of classic short cuts, with a dab of hair gel at the very most.

Brutal police repression in the face of a recent popular uprising silenced most opposition in Iran. As a result, Iranians have found other, less overtly political, ways to express their opposition to the government. For example, a Facebook group of curly-haired Iranians has been established, where its members rally Iranians with similarly large hair dos to meet in Tehran’s Mellat park on January 21, is one example of playful subversion. >>> | Friday, January 28, 2011

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kulturkampf in Iran: Pomade für den sittsamen Iraner

ZEIT ONLINE: Lippenstiftverbot, "islamisch korrekte" Haarschnitte, Sittenwächter: Teheran zieht mal wieder verstärkt gegen vermeintlich westliche Werte zu Felde.

Staatsschnitt: Teheran schreibt jetzt auch die Frisuren vor. Bild: Zeit Online

Erst wurden die Proteste auf den Straßen mit roher Gewalt niedergeknüppelt, jetzt will das Regime Front machen gegen die „kulturelle Invasion des Westens“. Die Islamische Republik soll noch islamischer werden, auf allen Ebenen werden die Zügel angezogen. Ob männlicher Haarschnitt oder weibliches Kopftuch, ob Lehrbücher an Schulen oder Curricula an Universitäten, ob Filme, Bücher oder Konzerte – die allmächtigen Revolutionswächter haben ihren Kulturkampf ausgerufen gegen die verderblichen Einflüsse des Auslands.

So präsentierte das iranische Kulturministerium zum „Festival für Schleier und Sittsamkeit“ neue Richtlinien für „islamisch korrekte“ Haarschnitte für Männer. Das Plakat zeigt bartlose Gesichter mit Scheitel, kurzem Haar und wuchtigen Koteletten, einige auch mit Pomadefrisur – nie aber mit Pferdeschwänzen oder dem im Iran so populären Stachel-Look. Alle Designs seien auf „die Größe des Kinns eines typischen iranischen Mannes sowie das Aussehen seines Nackens abgestimmt“, betonte Jaleh Khodayar, die das Festival organisierte.

Die spezielle Mischung aus islamischer Tradition und modischem Schick sei geeignet, „den kulturellen Angriff des Westen auf unser Land zu parieren“. Bei jedem Coiffeur sollen die Modelle künftig hängen – neue Vorschriften für weibliche Haarmode unter dem Schleier hat sie bereits in Arbeit. Weiter lesen und einen Kommentar schreiben >>> Von Martin Gehlen | Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Iran Issues Catalogue of 'Acceptable Male Hairstyles'

THE TELEGRAPH: Iran's culture ministry has released a catalogue of acceptable hairstyles for men to help them avoid "decadent Western cuts".

Young girls and boys chatting in the street, Yazd, Iran: Iran's culture ministry has released a catalogue of acceptable hairstyles for men. Photo: The Telegraph

Both spiky hair and ponytails have not made the cut, however.

The pictures of mostly clean-shaven male models sporting short hair, some styled with gel, are contained in a "journal of Iranian hairstyles approved by the ministry of (culture and Islamic) guidance".

"The proposed styles are inspired by Iranians' complexion, culture and religion, and Islamic law," said Jaleh Khodayar, who is in charge of a Modesty and Veil Festival later this month where they are to be promoted.

"We are happy that the Islamic republic of Iran's government has backed us in designing these hairstyles," she said, adding that a catalogue of haircuts for men would soon be published. >>> | Monday, July 05, 2010

Iran Issues List of Approved Hairstyles for Men

MAIL ONLINE: Iran is set to order a crackdown on men sporting 'un-Islamic' haircuts.

Long hair and ponytails are definitely out this summer - though a dab of gel is acceptable, according to the country's morality police.

And a beard is no longer required as a symbol of political and religious correctness.

A photographic catalogue of permissible 'Islamic' hairstyles is to be published and promoted later this month at the 'Modesty and Veil Festival'.

Iran’s dour Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has given the project its vital seal of approval.

'The proposed styles are inspired by Iranians’ complexion, culture, religion and Islamic law,' said Jaleh Khodayar, the festival’s female organiser.

A tantalising foretaste of what is folically acceptable was provided by Iranian news agencies yesterday, which carried pictures of mostly clean-shaven male models sporting short hair.

Hardliners have frequently raged against youths with 'decadent Western cuts'.

But the red lines governing male grooming have never been clearly identified – until now.

Those aping the elaborate styles of some millionaire European football stars have been hauled off to police stations where their beloved locks have been unceremoniously and inexpertly shorn.

First-time offenders braving a close shave with the law get off with an unflattering short-back-and-sides.

But serial hair delinquents risk stiff fines, while barber shops catering to Western fashions have been shut. Continue reading and comment >>> Michael Theodoulou | Monday, July 05, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Muslim Clerics Seek Ban on 'Funky Hairstyles' in Indonesia

THE TELEGRAPH: Muslim clerics in Indonesia have demanded a ban on women having perms or straightening their hair, which they described as 'inviting moral danger'.

An Islamic body which has issued fatwas on inappropriate behaviour from practising yoga to failing to vote in elections said it is now considering a request to tackle the craze among pupils in religious boarding schools.

Clerics from East Java have also requested a fatwa banning dreadlocks, punk haircuts and "funky hairstyles". >>> | Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday, December 05, 2008

49 Arrested for 'Satanic' Clothes

Two plucky Iranian gals cocking a snook at the stifling dress restrictions of the mullahs of Iran. Photo courtesy of Google Images

NEWS.COM.AU: POLICE have arrested 49 people this week in a northern Iranian city during a crackdown on "satanic" clothes, according to an IRNA news agency report.

The measures are the latest in a country-wide campaign against Western cultural influence in the Islamic Republic, where strict dress codes are enforced.

"Police confronted rascals and thugs who appeared in public wearing satanic fashions and unsuitable clothing," Qaemshahr city police commander Mahmoud Rahmani told IRNA.

Mr Rahmani also said that five barber shops were shut and 20 more warned for "promoting Western hairstyles".

In the past, such crackdowns have lasted a few weeks or months, but the current campaign was launched in 2007 and has not let up.

It includes measures against men sporting spiky "Western" hairstyles or women wearing tight trousers and high boots.

Women are supposed to wear clothing that covers their hair and disguises the shape of their bodies. But some, particularly in cities, wear headscarves pushed back well beyond their hairlines and sport tight-fitting outfits. >>> From correspondents in Tehran | December 4, 2008

Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Australia) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback – Australia) >>>

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Clampdown: Iran Now Bans Western Hairstyles for Men

BBC: Iranian police have warned barbers not to give men western hair styles or use make up on them.

The move is part of an unusually fierce crackdown on what is known locally as bad hijab, or un-Islamic clothing, that this year is also targeting men.

Hair stylists have been warned that they could lose their licenses if they do not comply.

However, police have denied a report that they have ordered barbers not to serve customers wearing ties. Iran ban on 'Western' hairstyles (Read on)

BBC: Tehran dress code: Iranian views

Mark Alexander