Showing posts with label Pro-Koeln. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pro-Koeln. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What the Turkish Papers Are Saying about the ‘Pro-Köln’ Demo: ‘500 Detained in Anti-Islam Congress Protest in Germany’

HÜRRIYET: Violent protests by leftists forced the cancellation of a far-right rally against the influence of Islam in Europe and prompted the detention of 500 people, German authorities said Sunday.

The street battles came on the sidelines of a two-day congress organized by right-wing extremists on the purportedly growing dominance of Europe’s Muslim minority and the construction of one of Europe’s largest mosques here.

The clashes that ran into the night Saturday overshadowed a peaceful protest by tens of thousands of people against the "anti-Islamification" congress, police chief Klaus Steffenhagen told reporters.

Carrying banners reading "We are Cologne -- Get rid of the Nazis!" protesters gathered outside the citys [sic] landmark cathedral to oppose the congress organized by the local far-right group Pro-Koeln (For Cologne).

Organizers said about 40,000 people turned out for the demonstration for peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in Europe, an event backed by the German government and authorities in this western city.

Meanwhile, around 150 bars in Cologne stopped selling Pro-Koeln members the local Koelsch beer with some taxi and bus drivers also refusing to transport delegates to the congress.

One hotel even cancelled bookings made by "undesirables".

A leading figure in the Greens party, Volker Beck, welcomed the "victory of civil society against the far-right".

Pro-Koeln had begun two days of seminars Friday during which about 300 participants from across Europe denounced a Muslim "immigrant invasion" on the continent.

Earlier Saturday, police banned an outdoor rally organized by far-right adherents in Cologne just as it was about to begin, following the clashes with a violent fringe of counter-protesters.

Steffenhagen said the left-wing extremists hurled Molotov cocktails, stones and fireworks and tore down security barricades.

"This was not a protest but was unbridled violence against our police force and those who wanted to demonstrate peacefully in Cologne," he said.

Some 3,000 police officers were deployed and used truncheons and water hoses to fend off violent "anti-fascist" leftist activists.

Pro-Koeln has five elected local councilors and is chasing other official positions in the region.

Cologne, on the River Rhine, is famous for its Gothic twin-spired Roman Catholic cathedral -- a UNESCO world heritage site that survived Allied air raids during World War Two. [Source: HÜRRIYET] | September 21, 2008

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Police Ban Anti-Islam Demonstration in Cologne

THE EARTH TIMES: Cologne, Germany - German police prohibited an anti-Islam demonstration by far rightists on public safety grounds in Cologne on Saturday after the venue was completely blockaded by opponents. "The safety of our Cologne people has priority," said a police spokesman after ugly clashes between far-leftists and riot police.

The leftists, who were bent on occupying a city square set aside for the rightists to use, assaulted police and tried to snatch their pistols. Riot police advanced against them, swinging batons.

A police spokesman said the leftists were no longer attacking in small groups but in large formations.

Television images showed that only about 50 rightists managed to pass the blockade and enter the city square, where "no mosque" banners were hanging. The "anti-Islamification" rally failed to start at the announced time, noon, and was banned a few moments later.

About a kilometre away, several thousand peaceful demonstrators listened as Cologne's mayor Fritz Schamma stood up outside the city's great cathedral to denounce the far-right rally.

City and national German authorities detest the rightists, but say they must allow them the right of free speech.

Schramma described those who bent on holding the far-right rally as "racists in bourgeois dress" and "the mouldy clique of Euro-Fascism," adding: "I say, there is the door. Go home!"

The planned anti-mosque demonstration had not only inflamed passions in Germany, but in Muslim nations. Iran demanded that Germany prohibit it. Police Ban Anti-Islam Demonstration in Cologne >>> DPA | September 20, 2008

Cologne se mobilise 
face à l'extrême droite : Quelques heurts se sont produits dès hier, avant même que ne s'ouvre le «congrès» organisé pour dénoncer « l'islamisation » du pays.

AU PREMIER jour du « congrès anti-islamisation » organisé ce week-end à Cologne, une foule bigarrée a formé une chaîne humaine, hier, devant le siège du Ditib, le syndicat de la communauté turque en Allemagne. De jeunes étudiantes blondes tiennent la main à des femmes voilées d'origine turque. Des sympathisants communistes fraternisent avec des élus du parti libéral (FDP-centre droit). Quelque 500 personnes se sont ainsi rassemblées, pour protester contre la venue dans leur ville de militants d'extrême droite.
De Patrick Saint-Paul, envoyé spécial du Figaro à Cologne | 20.09.2008

Anti-Islamisierungskongreß: Köln wehrt sich gegen Rechtsradikale - Die rechte Großkundgebung ist abgesagt, die Demonstranten jubeln. Das Kölner Herzblut hat gegen den "rassistischen Schwachsinn" gesiegt, sagt Oberbürgermeister Schramma. Doch was die einen als Zivilcourage der Kölner feiern, kritisieren andere als Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit. >>> Von Freia Peters und Kristian Frigelj | 20. September 2008

"Sicherheit der Kölner geht vor": Anti-Islam-Kundgebung verboten: Die Kundgebung der rechtspopulistischen Bürgerbewegung "Pro Köln" wurde kurzfristig verboten. Der freiheitliche EU-Abgeordnete Mölzer spricht von einem "demokratiepolitischen Skandal".

Die in der Kölner Innenstadt geplante Kundgebung der rechtspopulistischen Bürgerbewegung "Pro Köln" wird verboten. Das sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Samstag vor Ort. "Die Sicherheit unserer Kölner geht vor", sagte er. Pro Köln wollte zu Mittag unter dem Motto "Stopp Islam" eine Großkundgebung veranstalten. Die Veranstaltung gefährde die Sicherheit der Bürger, lautete die Begründung.
| 20. September 2008

The AIM of the conference : To forge a European alliance against Islamisation. Highlight of the conference: A rally in the centre of Cologne.


Diana West on Pro=Köln’s ‘Cities Against Islamisation’ >>> | September 14, 2008

Hat tip: Gates of Vienna

Cologne Gives Islamophobes Cold Shoulder: Cologne mayor calls on the city's inhabitants to show 'cold shoulder' to an anti-Islam meeting organized by the far-right Pro-Koeln group. >>> | September 18, 2008
Cologne stoppe l'extrême droite: Le meeting anti-islamisation organisé par Pro Köln, parti d'extrême droite qui s'oppose à la construction d'une mosquée à Cologne, a finalement été annulé samedi. Les autorités ont pris cette décision de peur que les manifestations qui opposent depuis vendredi les militants d'extrême droite à ceux de gauche ne dégénèrent. Ces derniers craignent que ce meeting sonne le retour du nazisme. >>> Par Marie Desnos | Samedi 20 Septembre 2008

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Friday, September 19, 2008

German Government Condemns Islamophobic Confab in Cologne

ISLAMIC REPUBLIC NEWS AGENCY (IRNA): The German government here Friday condemned an international Islamophobic conference due to open later in the day in the western city of Cologne.

Addressing a regular weekly press briefing, a spokeswoman for the German Interior Ministry "condemned all extremist actions" related to the so-called 'Anti-Islamization Congress', hosted by the far-right group 'Pro Koeln'.

Gabriele Hermani stressed the far-right confab would negatively impact on efforts to promote peaceful co-existence between the German state and its Muslims citizens.

Tens of thousands of people were expected to take to the streets of Cologne to protest against the three-day Islamophobic meeting.

A wide spectrum of nationwide civic groups, among them labor, student, church and anti-racism groups, were due to join the protests and mass blockades.

Initial media reports pointed to a tense situation near the conference site, as counter-demonstrators were hoping to disrupt the anti-Islam meeting.

Efforts to ban the event failed because of legal reasons, according to Cologne Police President Klaus Steffenhagen.

Under surveillance by Germany's domestic Verfassungsschutz intelligence agency,`Pro Koeln` has invited around 1,000 right-wing extremists to the disputed meeting in Cologne, among them leading far-right politicians from the US, France, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Spain and Italy.

A major focus of 'Pro Koeln' has been its controversial opposition to the planned construction of a central mosque for Cologne's nearly 150,000-strong Muslim community.

‘Pro Cologne' has five seats in Cologne's 90-member city council.
There are 3.5 million Muslims living in Germany of which 2.5 million are Turks. [Source: IRNA] | September 19, 2008

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Fear over Anti-Islam Rally in Germany

HERALD SUN (AU): COLOGNE is bracing for violence as far Right supporters from all over Europe gather for an "anti-Islamification congress".

Those attending the event starting today in the west German city include Filip Dewinter, head of Belgium's far Right Vlaams Belang party, and Andreas Moelzer, the Euro MP once ejected from Austria's Freedom Party for being too extreme.

Also adding his support to what organisers call Europe's "shared, 1000-year history", identity and "Western values and Christian traditions" will be Mario Borghezio, from Italy's anti-immigration Northern League.

The rally is being organised by the far Right Pro-Koeln (For Cologne), which says that "half a dozen" coaches have been hired to bring supporters from Belgium.

A "high-ranking delegation" is also expected from Austria, as are supporters from Italy, Spain and Britain.

Pro-Koeln hopes 1500 people will attend the climax of the two-day congress, a rally in the city centre tomorrow, and police expect several hundred. Fear over Anti-Islam Rally in Germany >>> Staff Writer, Herald Sun | September 19, 2008

TIMESONLINE: A German far right group has stirred Muslim anger worldwide by holding a three-day "Anti-Islamisation Conference" to protest against the construction of mosques and Muslim immigration.

Prominent members of Europe's far right, including French "Front National" leader Jean-Marie le Pen and Belgian far-right politician Filip Dewinter, have said they will attend the meeting in Cologne which is aimed at forging a European alliance against "Islamisation."

The conference will include a rally in the centre of Cologne tomorrow which police say could lead to clashes with left-wing groups that plan a counter-demonstration. Trade unions, churches and other groups have also announced plans to protest against the conference.

The conference organiser is a local protest group called "Pro-Cologne" which campaigned against the city's recent decision to allow the construction of a large new mosque with two 55-metre tall minarets. Around 330,000 immigrants live in Cologne, about a third of the city's population.

"Mosques are shooting out of the ground like mushrooms, the muezzin call and headscarves are flooding our streets," Pro-Cologne said on its website. It said 150 "politicians and publicists" from all over Europe and 1,500 other participants will attend the conference at which it plans to launch a petition "against the Islamisation of our cities". Anger at Europe’s Far Right ‘Anti-Islam’ Conference >>> By David Crossland in Berlin | September 18, 2008

Rightists Chase Man at Start of Anti-Islam Rally in Cologne >>> DPA | September 19, 2008

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