Showing posts with label Massachussetts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massachussetts. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tragically Flawed Guardian of the Liberal Flame

TIMES ONLINE: Brilliant orator, radical champion . . . but Edward Kennedy’s weaknesses conspired to stop him reaching the White House

In many ways Teddy Kennedy was the most politically gifted of the three Kennedy brothers. The Benjamin of the family (born 15 years after his brother, the President), he was gregarious where his brother Bobby tended to be reclusive and on his day, as each would willingly testify, could outshine them both as an orator. Yet, despite his 47 years in the US Senate, he never rose any higher than holding the essentially backroom job of Majority Whip — and that only for two years between 1969 and 1971.

Why? The easy answer, of course, lies in the one Native American word, Chappaquiddick. Before the disastrous episode there in July 1969 — when the Democratic senator from Massachusetts drove his Oldsmobile off a bridge, drowning his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, in the process — little, it seemed, could stand between the sole surviving heir to the Kennedy legend and his destiny in the White House. But how he behaved on that occasion, not least his callous delay in reporting the accident and the cold-hearted way in which he went about defending his conduct on television, destroyed that dream for ever. When he eventually did stand for the presidency he was humiliated by Jimmy Carter who beat him in 24 out of 34 primaries and in 20 of the 25 caucuses.

Yet even that defeat, far worse than Ronald Reagan’s when he ran against Gerald Ford four years earlier, did nothing to destroy his status as the keeper of the liberal conscience of the Democratic Party. The possessor of a better voting record on issues such as healthcare, welfare provision and workers’ rights, he regularly topped the ratings awarded by such organisations as Americans for Democratic Action. Untainted by his brothers’ earlier records over Vietnam, he was also recognised as a liberal internationalist, though with some reservations in this country provoked by the green tinge of his views on Northern Ireland. >>> Anthony Howard* | Thursday, August 27, 2009

*Anthony Howard was Washington correspondent of The Observer in the 1960s

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama: Les congés qui dérangent Une partie de l’opinion américaine reproche à son président de s’offrir, en pleine crise économique, des vacances luxueuses sur l’île huppée de Martha’s Vineyard (Massachussetts).

La famille Obama a emmené la polémique en vacances. Crédits photo:

En ce moment, rien n’est épargné à Barack Obama. Confronté à une recrudescence des violences en Afghanistan et en Irak, contesté sur son projet de réforme du système de santé américain - évalué à 1000 milliards de dollars - et accusant une chute sensible dans les sondages (49% de ses compatriotes lui font confiance contre 60% au moment de son investiture), le résident de la Maison blanche se voit aujourd’hui tancé sur le coût de ses vacances. Parti dimanche faire un break d’une semaine en famille sur la très chic île de Martha’s Vineyard (Massachussetts), le président des Etats-Unis est accusé, en ces temps de crise économique, de donner le mauvais exemple.

Sur l’influent site internet Huffington Post, classé à gauche, l’universitaire Robert Guttman déplore le choix présidentiel. "Le peuple américain vous regarde, M. le Président, il suit votre voie, attaque le directeur du centre de politique et de relations internationales à l’université John Hopkins. "Pourquoi ne pas les conduire aux endroits qui ont le plus besoin de votre aide, plutôt que dans une île déjà financièrement stable et prospère? Le cœur de l’Amérique vous appelle, M. le Président, pourquoi ne lui répondriez-vous pas?". Autant de questions posées à juste titre pensent beaucoup, au regard notamment du coût de la location hebdomadaire de la villa "Blue Heron Farm", où séjournera le leader américain, estimée à 25 000 dollars (17500 euros). >>> N.M (avec Reuters), | Lundi 24 Août 2009