Showing posts with label Jonathan Tobin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonathan Tobin. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Melanie Phillips: Britain Chooses Labour - Will the West Choose SURVIVAL? | Think Twice

Jul 11, 2024 | Will the West wake up in time to save itself or will it slowly fall to the enemies of civilization? While it looks like the bad guys are winning elections across the West, there’s still room for hope!

Tune in for this in-depth interview with Melanie Phillips as she lays out everything you need to know about the recent UK elections and more.

Also, the UK Conservative party’s failures; how the relationship with Israel will change; the future of the UK Right & the West; and the importance of standing up to Iran.

People need to listen very carefully to Melanie Phillips. The lady has a firm grip on reality. (Except when she talks of Trump and Harris!)

I have myself been saying over and over, over very many years now, that Islamic values and Western values are totally and utterly immiscible. The élites who think that the two cultures can fuse are totally and utterly deluded. Indeed, multiculturalism itself is delusional. The experiment has been foisted upon us, the people, by our mindless politicians, and it is destined to fail. In the end, one culture must win out. It doesn’t take a genius to realise that the culture that will win out is the culture which a.) is sure of itself and its destiny, and b.) is procreating far more, and more quickly than the other.

Melanie Phillips mentions the low birth rate in this video. She is correct in what she says. I would add that a low birth rate is a harbinger of dark days ahead. Truth to tell — and it is a hard truth for many to swallow — feminism has done untold harm to Western culture. Why? Because it is the result of the West’s obsession with feminism which has brought about the West’s inability to have enough babies to feed the needs of industry and commerce, leading to the West’s need to ‘import’ a workforce instead. And the importation of a foreign workforce impacts so much on the demographics of the West. When the demographics change, the nation’s cultural values change. This is precisely why Christianity is weakening in the West and Islam is growing ever stronger.

People worry about giving gays rights. People’s focus is wrong. The gay population in any country is stable. And gays generally do not give birth to babies anyway, other than sometimes through surrogacy. But women pursuing careers impact very much on the West’s ability to grow its economies and it also impacts on its ability to stay strong. A country with a low birth rate is highly unlikely ever to be a strong nation. The strength of a nation comes in numbers.

The West needs to take stock. With despatch! – © Mark Alexander