Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Right-wingers Now Claim Jesus Was a Free Market Capitalist

The folks over at PragerU are terrified of the word “socialism” and they’ve gone as far as to say that Jesus Christ himself was definitely not a socialist but instead was a full on free market capitalist. This is an absolutely ridiculous claim, even when they try to give us examples from the Bible with their own unique, reality-warping spin on them. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

If Jesus Never Called Himself God, How Did He Become One? – Bart Ehrman

Terry Gross is the host and co-executive producer of Fresh Air, an interview format radio show produced by WHYY-FM in Philadelphia and distributed throughout the United States by National Public Radio (NPR). She interviews Bart on April 7th, 2014 and prepares the discussion to reflect on Bart's book "How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee." The discussion addresses topics such as the major difference between the first three gospels — Matthew, Mark and Luke — and the last gospel, John, on how Roman emperors were called "God,” on the emergence of the Trinity, on the difference between history and the past and on the empty tomb and the resurrection, just to name a few.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Archbishop of Canterbury Urged to Act over Vatican Envoy Who Questioned Resurrection

THE TELEGRAPH: A row has erupted within the Church of England as senior Anglicans are calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to force his ambassador to the Vatican to resign because he does not believe Jesus rose from the dead.

It has emerged that Dr John Shepherd, an Australian cleric appointed last week as the new representative to Rome, had delivered a sermon in which he said Christians should be “set free” from the traditional view of the resurrection.

The controversial comments, delivered while he was Dean of Perth Cathedral, have been criticised for flying in the face of the most fundamental Christian doctrines. » | Steve Bird | Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

The Jesus Question: A Conversation with Dr. Robert M. Price

On June 6, 2015, Seth Andrews presented Dr. Robert M. Price, author and expert on the historicity of Jesus, with several questions in regard to the Christ story.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Muhammad vs. Jesus: Judging Religions by Their Central Figures (David Wood)

Christianity and Islam are the largest religions in history, and around half the people in the world consider themselves to be either Christians or Muslims. But Christianity and Islam disagree on fundamental doctrines and practices, so they can't both be right. Is there a way to judge these two religions? Some people judge religions based on the worst adherents of the religions. Others insist that we should judge religions by their best adherents. However, rather than judging religions by their adherents at all, we should turn to the central figures of the religions. In this video, David Wood compares Muhammad and Jesus.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Did Jesus Have a Wife and Kids? Long-lost Ancient Manuscript Discovered in the British Library Claims Christ Married Prostitute Mary Magdalene and They Had Children

MAIL ON SUNDAY: New book 'The Lost Gospel' claims Mary Magdalene was original Virgin Mary / It is based on manuscript found in British Library dating back 1,450 years / Professor Barrie Wilson and writer Simcha Jacobovici translated text / They claim there was an assassination attempt on Mary's two children / Church of England has dismissed claims comparing it to Dan Brown's work

Jesus married his 'soul-mate' Mary Magdalene and they had two children together, a new book has claimed.

'The Lost Gospel' also alleges there was an unknown plot on Jesus' life 13 years before his crucifixion and an assassination attempt on Mary Magdalene and their children.

Professor of religious studies Barrie Wilson and historical writer Simcha Jacobovici based these claims on a manuscript dating back 1,450 years which they discovered in the British Library.

They spent months translating the ancient text and have controversially said that the original Virgin Mary was Jesus's wife, not his mother.

Further claims from 'The Lost Gospel: Decoding the Sacred Text that Reveals Jesus' Marriage to Mary Magdalene' will be released on Wednesday, including the names of the two children.

The book also elaborates on Jesus's alleged connections to top political figures in the Roman Empire such as Emperor Tiberius and his best friend, the soldier Sejanus.

But the Church of England said the work shares more in common 'with Dan Brown (author of the Da Vinci Code) than Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.' » | Jenny Awford for MailOnline | Sunday, November 09, 2014

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Muslim Cartoon Row – Maajid Nawaz

"A Liberal Democrat candidate who tweeted a cartoon featuring Jesus and Muhammad has received death threats and faces calls to be deselected from contesting the 2015 general election.

Maajid Nawaz, chosen for the London seat of Hampstead and Kilburn and founder of the anti-extremist think-tank Quilliam Foundation, has faced a petition against him, and told the BBC he was advised by police not to appear on TV to debate the issue.

Andrew Neil spoke to Mohammed Shafiq, a member of the Liberal Democrats Ethnic Minority group calling for deselection, and to Kenan Malik, who writes about multi-culturalism and free speech."

Freedom of Speech: Is It My Right to Offend You?

THE INDEPENDENT: Last week, a political figure tweeting a cartoon about Mohamed prompted death threats. In a civilised society, we need to know how to express views without censorship

Maajid Nawaz is a former Islamist who now campaigns against extremism as the executive director of the Quilliam Foundation. He is also a Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate. Three weeks ago, he appeared on the BBC's religious debate programme, The Big Questions. On that show, two atheist students wore T-shirts featuring cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed. Nawaz declared that he was not upset by the images. After the show, he tweeted one of the cartoons, declaring that his God was greater than to feel threatened by it. And then everything went mad.

Nawaz has faced an appalling string of death threats. About 22,000 people have signed a petition calling for his deselection. Thousands more have leapt to his defence. Last week, Nick Clegg promised that he would not be deselected. But as various media outlets have reported on the subject, they, too, have faced criticism for their squeamishness: no one has shown uncensored the cartoon at the centre of the storm.

There is so much to unpack here. Where to begin? Well, how about, for the record, a simple declaration: Maajid Nawaz has an absolute right to tweet a picture of the Prophet Mohamed. I would not vote for any political party that dismissed him for doing so. But actually, this is the least interesting, least fruitful aspect of the whole discussion. This is primary school stuff. » | Archie Bland | Sunday, February 02, 2014

Related »

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Race to Save the Language of Jesus: Aramaic in Danger of Becoming Extinct as Number of Speakers of Ancient Tongue Plummets

MAIL ONLINE: Language once widely used in Middle East but speakers are now scattered / Aramaic is believed to have been used by Jesus and his disciples / British linguist Geoffrey Khan developing database of recordings

It is thought to have been spoken by Jesus Christ and his disciples more than 2,000 years ago.

But now Aramaic, an ancient language related to both Hebrew and Arabic, is threatened with extinction as the number of speakers worldwide has dwindled.

Linguist Professor Geoffrey Khan of the University of Cambridge, has launched a quest to record the language before it dies out by visiting the scattered communities where it is still used.

By recording some of the remaining native Aramaic speakers he hopes to preserve the language which is one of a number threatened with extinction worldwide.

The 3,000-year-old language was once common throughout the entire Middle East and was used for trade, government and divine worship from the Holy Land to India and China.

As a key language used in Israel from 539 BC to 70 AD, experts believe it was likely to have been spoken by Jesus.

It is also the language of large sections of the biblical books of Daniel and Ezra, and is the main language of the Talmud (a key Jewish text).

Parts of the ancient Dead Sea scrolls were written in Aramaic. As Jesus died on the cross, he cried out in Aramaic, 'Elahi, Elahi, lema shabaqtani?' ('My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?').

But speakers are now scattered across the globe, with pockets even found in US cities such as Chicago where several thousands Assyrians live. Prof Khan told that he felt his 'calling' to record the language after speaking to a Jew from Erbil, a northern Iraqi city.

'It completely blew my mind,' he said. 'To discover a living language through the lips of a living person, it was just incredibly exhilarating.' Read on and comment » | Sam Adams | Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Australie : Jésus aimé des musulmans, des chrétiens s’insurgent

SAPHIR NEWS: Jésus est un prophète de l'islam. Ce message, inscrite sur des panneaux publicitaires à Sydney, en Australie, qui n'a rien de choquant connaissant le grand respect témoigné par les musulmans envers le fils de Marie, aurait du raffermir les relations islamo-chrétiennes dans le pays. Au lieu de cela, une polémique est née.

« Jésus : un prophète de l’islam ». C’est le message diffusé dans plusieurs dizaines de panneaux d’affichage de la ville australienne de Sydney depuis quelques jours à l’initiative de MyPeace, une organisation musulmane œuvrant pour la paix et le dialogue interreligieux.

Jésus (alias Issa) est en effet considéré, au même titre que Muhammad, comme un des nombreux prophètes envoyés de Dieu aux yeux des musulmans à la nette différence qu'il est pas vu comme le fils de Dieu, ce Dernier n'ayant ni ascendant ou descendant.

Toutefois, cette initiative originale - qui rappelle la campagne britannique « Inspiré par Muhammad » en juin 2010 - a provoqué un tollé auprès de plusieurs responsables chrétiens du pays, qui l’ont jugé « provocante ». Certains panneaux ont été vandalisé, rapporte lundi 30 mai The Sydney Morning Herald. » | Rédigé par Hanan Ben Rhouma | Mardi 31 Mai 2011

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: He's not the son of God, just the support act: CHRISTIANS in Sydney will have their core beliefs challenged by provocative advertisements due to appear on billboards and buses in the next month. » | Aaron Cook | Saturday, May 28, 2011

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Bishop calls Islamic billboards offensive: A Catholic bishop has slammed controversial Islamic billboards for being "provocative and offensive" and he's calling for them to be removed from prominent locations across Sydney. » | AAP | Monday, May 30, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Jesus a Hit on Facebook

May 27, 2011 – 'Jesus Daily' gains popularity for its religious message

FACEBOOK: Jesus Daily »

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Great Jesus Swindle

The greatest lie ever told

Monday, September 06, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Scandale en Inde : Jésus découvert une bière à la main dans un manuel scolaire Une image montrant Jésus tenant à la main une canette de bière et une cigarette, publiée dans des manuels scolaires, a provoqué l'indignation de la communauté chrétienne d'une ville du nord-est de l'Inde, a-t-on appris lundi.

L'éditeur n'a pas encore expliqué comment l'image pu être publiée.

L'image a été découverte dans un livre adressé aux élèves d'écoles primaires dirigées par l'Eglise catholique de l'Etat de Meghalaya, à majorité chrétienne. Elle était utilisée pour représenter le «i» du mot «idole».

«Nous sommes profondément choqués et blessés par le portrait offensant de Jésus-Christ dans ce manuel. Nous condamnons l'absence totale de respect de l'éditeur pour les religions», a réagi l'archevêque du diocèse de la ville de Shillong, Dominic Jala. >>> ats | Lundi 22 Février 2010