Showing posts with label Islam in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam in America. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Obama: "Islam ist Teil von Amerika"

Ja wirklich! Islam ist Teil von Amerika genau so sehr als Christentum Teil von Saudi Arabien ist!

Offensichtlich, versucht Barack Hussein Obama die Religion seines Vaters an die Amerikaner aufzudrängen.

So eine Art Politik zu treiben, so eine Verfälschung der Geschichte absichtlich zu schildern, so eine Lüge zu verbreiten!

Mit so einem Mann am Steuer des mächtigsten Landes der Welt kann man für die Zukünft nur schwarz sehen! Und zu sagen, daß der Islam bedeutet Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt ist nichts Anders als lächerlich.
– © Mark

DIE PRESSE: US-Präsident Obama würdigt bei einem Abendessen anlässlich des Fastenmonats Ramadan den Beitrag von Muslimen zur US-Gesellschaft. Der Islam stehe für Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt. Er sei eine "große Religion".

US-Präsident Barack Obama hat den Beitrag von Muslimen zur amerikanischen Gesellschaft gewürdigt. Bei einem Abendessen am Dienstagabend anlässlich des muslimischen Fastenmonats Ramadan bezeichnete er den Islam als "große Religion" und sprach von dessen "Engagement für Gerechtigkeit und Fortschritt".

An dem Dinner nahmen neben Kabinetts- und Kongressmitgliedern auch mehrere Vertreter muslimischer Organisationen der USA teil. Obama sagte, der Islam sei ein "Teil von Amerika", schreibt die "Washington Post". Bereits Obamas Vorgänger George W. Bush hatte ein Iftar veranstaltet, ein Abendessen zum Fastenbrechen. >>> Ag./phu | Mittwoch, 02. September 2009

Obama Hosts Dinner for Islamic Holy Month

THE WASHINGTON POST: WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has praised the contributions of American Muslims at a dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Obama joined Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors and members of Congress to pay tribute to what he called "a great religion and its commitment to justice and progress."

The president also welcomed American Muslim community leaders to the event in the State Dining Room.

Obama said Islam is "part of America." He said the American Muslim community is diverse, like the broader citizenry of the United States. >>> Ann Sanner, The Associated Press | Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Muslims to Turn Capitol Hill into Giant Outdoor Mosque

ISLAM IN ACTION: Inspired by President Obama's pro-Islamic speech in Cairo, approximately 50,000 Muslims are expecting to attend a prayer service outside Capitol Hill. They claim that this is about them loving America. If they really loved America as we know it, they would be in the streets protesting against the Sharia push, and the Islamic preachers of hate in America. But they do not, this is all about them pushing Islam on America.

Elizabeth mosque organizes national prayer event in D.C.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Jeff Diamant

A mosque in Elizabeth, Dar-ul-Islam, is spearheading a national prayer gathering next month in Washington, D.C., that organizers are billing as the first event of its kind -- organized prayer for tens of thousands of Muslims outside the U.S. Capitol building. >>> | Monday, August 31, 2009


Islam on Capitol Hill >>>

Hat tip: Always On Watch >>>

Monday, July 13, 2009

Muslim Americans Encouraged, Hopeful after Obama

REUTERS: WASHINGTON - Iraqi Americans Wasan Alqaisi and Sumer Majid made a Fourth of July family picnic of kebab -- served on hamburger buns with slices of American cheese.

Celebrating Independence Day in the U.S. capital, the two Muslim women were doing what generations of Americans have done before them: blending their faith and lifestyle with a U.S. national identity.

Eight years after Middle East militants carried out the September 11 attacks, Muslim Americans are raising their profile, encouraged by the election of Barack Obama, a U.S. president proud of his Kenyan father's Muslim heritage.

The president, who is a Christian, used his middle name, Hussein, at his inauguration. He called for new dialogue with Islamic nations and named a special envoy for the Middle East on his second full day in office.

"We are more optimistic about the future for us here," said Alqaisi, an accountant. "They changed the way they communicate with the Muslim countries. We feel like we have more value here now. We hope that will continue in the future."

Like other immigrant groups in a country of immigrants, Muslims were drawn to the United States seeking opportunity and relief from poverty in their home countries. Arabs went to industrial centers, south Asian Muslims to the West Coast. Some arrived to study in universities; some arrived as slaves.

A 2007 Pew Research Center study says 21 percent of Muslim Americans arrived from abroad during the 1990s.

The September 11 attacks put a magnifying glass on what until then had been a largely invisible Muslim American community, prompting many to organize. The Patriot Act limited civil liberties. Many felt they were being profiled. The Council of American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil liberties and advocacy group, said more than 60,000 people were subject to new government actions such as interrogations, detentions, raids and the closure of charities.

CAIR reported a 64 percent increase in the number of civil rights complaints in the year after September 11, 2001. >>> Wendell Marsh | Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Islamic Circle of North America Kicks Off Bus Ad Campaign

CBS5.COM: San Francisco – The Bay Area Chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America will launch a bus ad campaign in San Francisco on today to encourage people to break stereotypes about Muslims.

People can expect to see the hot line (877) WHY-ISLAM and the Web site on the sides of more than 140 buses because the ICNA wants to make a point.

"This is our complaint: We want to give the right picture of Islam. It is not about terrorism. It is about peace,'' ICNA representative Mariam Chan said.

Between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. eastern time, anyone can call the hot line with questions about Islam. The Web site also offers free brochures. Chan said a common misconception is that Muslims are terrorists.

"If one Muslim person is not right, don't blame Islam from the few number of presentations,'' Chan said. "So many Christians have problems. You would not say it's allowed in Christianity.''

The campaign is a national educational outreach program. The ICNA has also paid for billboards and other bus ads throughout the country to encourage a more authentic point of view on the faith.

The kick-off will take place near Justin Herman Plaza at 77 Steuart Street in San Francisco at 11 a.m. [Source:] Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Saturday, December 22, 2007

”Europe Will Become a Muslim Continent"

Hat tip: Robert Spencer of JihadWatch:

ADNKRONOS INTERNATIONAL: Tehran, 21 Dec. (AKI) - Europe will eventually become a Muslim continent, according to a representative of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

"In a dozen years, Europe will be an Islamic continent," said Rasul Jalilzadeh on Friday as he was speaking to the basiji, a voluntary organisation in the capital Tehran.

"The Islamisation of the European continent is imminent and this step favours the arrival of the Mahdi," he said, referring to the 12th imam of Shiite Islam. Iran: Europe will become a Muslim continent, says Khamenei's spokesman >>>

Leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan: 'Allah Willing, America Will Soon Be Annihilated… We Will Reach America… The Eyes of the Nation of Muhammad are set on Washington, London, Moscow, Paris, Delhi, Beijing'

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)