Showing posts with label Gianluigi Nuzzi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gianluigi Nuzzi. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Pope's Butler Was Trying to Protect Benedict XVI from 'Wolves'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Italian journalist behind the Vatileaks scandal has defended the actions of the Pope's butler, saying he was trying to protect Benedict XVI from "wolves" circling around him in the Holy See.

Gianluigi Nuzzi called on the 85-year-old pontiff to pardon Paolo Gabriele, his butler, who was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Saturday after being found guilty by a Vatican court of stealing confidential papers from the Pope's offices.

Mr Nuzzi said a stream of cardinals and bishops approached the butler in the hope that through him they could communicate their unhappiness about the power games and intrigues that were allegedly taking place at the heart of the Catholic Church.

"Little by little Paolo Gabriele became the confidant of those who, among the bishops and cardinals, were like him torn between their sincere admiration for the Pope and concern over behind-the-scenes manoeuvring," Mr Nuzzi wrote in an article printed by newspapers in Spain, Germany and France.

The claim is key because it contradicts the Vatican's insistence that Mr Gabriele was a well-meaning but deeply misguided soul whose only collaborator was a computer expert. The technician, Claudio Sciarpelletti, is expected to go on trial next month for aiding and abetting the thefts.

Mr Nuzzi's editorial confirms the opinion of many Vatican analysts that for all its supposed transparency, the butler's trial was a cover-up and that he may have been just a small part of a much broader conspiracy. » | Nick Squires, Rome | Monday, October 08, 2012

LE MONDE: Le pape doit gracier son ancien majordome, Paolo Gabriele: Condamné à 18 mois de réclusion, Paolo Gabriele, le majordome de Benoît XVI, sera-t-il gracié par le pape ? La miséricorde de l'Evangile et de l'Eglise prévoient le pardon. J'appelle solennellement le saint père à accorder sa grâce à son ex-collaborateur, puni pour avoir soustrait des documents dont il a fait parvenir des photocopies au journaliste que je suis. Paolo Gabriele n'a violé aucun secret militaire ou diplomatique comme dans le cas de Wikileaks. Son geste est un geste de dénonciation. Il a mis sous les yeux de tous les réalités cachées du Vatican qui nuisent à l'Eglise elle-même. » | Par Gianluigi Nuzzi, journaliste italien indépendant, auteur de "Sa Sainteté" | lundi 08 octobre 2012

SÜDTIROL ONLINE: „Vatileaks“: Journalist Nuzzi bittet Papst um Begnadigung Gabrieles: Der Journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi bittet den Papst, den zu 18 Monaten Haft verurteilten früheren päpstlichen Kammerdiener Paolo Gabriele zu begnadigen. » | apa | Montag, 08. Oktober 2012