Showing posts with label Gerhard Wagner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerhard Wagner. Show all posts

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Pope Promotes Pastor Who Said Hurricane Was God's Punishment

THE GUARDIAN: New Catholic bishop called Katrina 'divine retribution' for New Orleans' permissive sexual attitudes

Pope Benedict XVI has made another controversial appointment by elevating to the position of bishop an Austrian pastor who said Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for homosexuality in New Orleans .

The Vatican yesterday announced that Gerhard Wagner has been appointed as auxiliary bishop in Linz, Austria.

Wagner has served as the pastor of a church in the Austrian town of Windischgarsten since 1988, and received a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome.

In 2005, the 54-year-old was quoted in a parish newsletter as saying he was convinced that the death and destruction caused by Katrina that year was "divine retribution" for New Orleans' permissive sexual attitudes and tolerance of homosexuality.

Kath.Net, a Catholic news agency in Austria, said the newsletter quoted Wagner as saying that Katrina had destroyed not only nightclubs and brothels in New Orleans but also abortion clinics. >>> Mark Tran | Sunday, February 1, 2009

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Katholische Kirche: Papst erhebt Harry-Potter-Hasser zum Bischof

SUEDDEUTSCHE: Papst Benedikt XVI. macht Gerhard Wagner zum Linzer Weihbischof - der ultrakonservative Geistliche hält Katastrophen wie den Tsunami von 2004 für eine Strafe Gottes.

Neue Schlagzeilen zur Personalpolitik von Benedikt XVI.: Der deutsche Papst hat einen ultrakonservativen Geistlichen zum Weihbischof im österreichischen Linz berufen.

Eine Wahl, die viele überraschte: Gerhard Maria Wagner stand nämlich nicht auf der Vorschlagliste des Linzer Bistums, wie die Oberösterreichischen Nachrichten berichten.

Für Aufsehen hatte der 54-Jährige immer wieder mit kontroversen Thesen gesorgt. Als der Hurrikan "Katrina" im Jahre 2005 die amerikanische Großstadt New Orleans zerstörte, sah der als extrem Rom-treu beschriebene Wagner dort einen strafenden Gott am Werk. >>> | Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

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