Showing posts with label European opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label European opinion. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2009

Opinion: The Mullahs Must Go

LOS ANGELES TIMES: Obama is making the same mistake as other presidents -- the only answer is regime change.

Since Iran's controversial and disputed election, President Obama has been noticeably restrained in his reaction. He has flashed his empathy, saying on Tuesday that he was "appalled and outraged" by the regime's brutality, but he has been equally emphatic about not being perceived as meddling in Iran's internal affairs. Despite increasing political heat, even from Democrats and the usually adulatory U.S. media, Obama persists in his low-key approach, clinging to emotive generalizations.

But it is the president's underlying policies that are wrong, not just his rhetoric. Saying that he does not want the "debate" inside Iran to be about the United States is disingenuous at best. Obama's real objective is to launch negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, in the belief that he can talk Iran out of its 20-year effort to acquire deliverable nuclear weapons. He said it during the 2008 campaign, during his inaugural address and repeatedly thereafter.

Viewed in the light of this near-religious obsession with negotiation, Obama's reticence is entirely understandable: He does not want to jeopardize the chance to sit with the likes of Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or the Islamic Revolutionary Guard.

In fact, everything we know about the regime indicates that Iran, and the Revolutionary Guard in particular, will never voluntarily give up its nuclear program, so Obama's policy is doomed to failure. (Inevitably, of course, if negotiations start, Obama would change the definition of success to include accepting a "peaceful" Iranian uranium- enrichment program, which means Tehran would retain its "breakout" capability to quickly produce nuclear weapons -- but exploring this further Obama failure has to wait for another day.)

Accordingly, it is Obama's policy errors, not his rhetorical ones, that should be opposed. Rhetoric itself is not policy but only the adjunct of policy, albeit often an important one. Obama's reticence reflects his larger misjudgment -- the dangerous misconception that there is a negotiated solution to Iran's nuclear threat that can satisfy both Iran and the United States.

Pursuing that objective is perilous for America, its allies and its friends -- in Europe, Israel and the Arab world alike. Moreover, Obama rarely mentions Iran's continuing role as the world's central banker for terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, yet this is another threat that negotiation will not eliminate.

Obama's policy, and that of the United States, should be the overthrow of the Islamic revolution of 1979. The massive resistance to the June 12 elections is just another fact supporting that conclusion. >>> John R. Bolton | Friday, June 26, 2009

John R. Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of "Surrender Is Not an Option."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Labour Reaffirms Support for Turkey's EU Membership, Day after BNP Opposition

Labour party underlines support for Turkish membership to EU, despite consistent opposition by rest of the European Union. Flags courtesy of The London Daily News

THE LONDON DAILY NEWS: The Labour Government's position on Turkeys membership to join the European Union was underlined yesterday with David Milliband the Foreign Secretary saying in Ankara:

"The U.K. remains strongly committed to this vision of Turkey becoming an equal member of the EU. We sent a loud message that it is an important time for imagination and confidence, not for hesitation and blame," Miliband said. "We know there is a long road to accession. Britain can talk about its own rocky road but it is important to drive forward in the face of challenges."

The British National Party which is consistently achieving over 20 per cent in polls on the London Daily News has campaigned consistently against the entrance of Turkey to the European Union with the party's leader on Sky News saying:

"If we could get three or four members of the European Parliament, the next few years will be crucial as to whether Turkey would join the European Union.

"Eighty million Muslims having the right to come here, it would be a disaster. We would like to be able to oppose that as well." >>> International News Desk | Thursday, May 28, 2009