Showing posts with label Dutch Supreme Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dutch Supreme Court. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wilders to Be Tried for Hate Speech

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Geert Wilders will be tried for hate speech and inciting discrimination in a Dutch court next Wednesday.

A ruling on Tuesday took away the last obstacle standing in the way of the case against anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, when the court dismissed his objections against prosecution.

Wilders’ lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, had argued his client could not be prosecuted for discriminatory insults since the Dutch supreme court had very narrowly defined that concept in a ruling last March. The supreme court then found that insulting a religion did not automatically imply an insult to its believers, meaning it could be legal.

Last Tuesday however, the lower court hearing Wilder’s objections found that the supreme court ruling did not stand in the way of Wilder’s prosecution.

The ruling paves the way for the case against Wilders to be tried, which has been long in the making.

The case against Wilders originates in several complaints filed by the Dutch lawyer Gerard Spong on behalf of several clients, including the well known Dutch comedian Jörgen Raymann and the board of the As Soennah Mosque in The Hague. >>> NRC Handelsblad’s News Staff | Thursday, January 14, 2010

Niederlande: Bahn frei für Prozess gegen Wilders

DIE PRESSE: Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders muss sich im März wegen Aufstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime vor Gericht verantworten. Seine Beschwerde gegen den Prozess ist zurückgewiesen worden.

Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders muss sich im März in einem mit Spannung erwarteten Prozess für die mutmaßliche Aufstachelung zum Hass gegen Muslime verantworten. Eine Beschwerde gegen das Verfahren wurde am Mittwoch von einem Gericht in Amsterdam zurückgewiesen. Wilders habe keine neuen Beweise vorgelegt, die zu einer Abschwächung der Anklage führen könnten.

Vorwurf eines "Schauprozesses"

Er habe keine Volksverhetzung betrieben, sagte der Chef der erstarkten rechtsgerichteten "Partei für die Freiheit" in der Gerichtsanhörung. Das, was er gegen Islam und Koran gesagt habe, sei von der Meinungsfreiheit geschützt. Nach der Anhörung warf er der niederländischen Justiz vor, einen politischen Schauprozess gegen ihn zu inszenieren. 

Selbst "das Rechtssystem in Nordkorea ist besser als das der Niederlande". Die Rahmenbedingungen bei der Anhörung zu seinem bevorstehenden Prozess in Amsterdam nannte Wilders "schlimmer als im Archipel Gulag", berichtete die Zeitung "de Volkskrant" am Donnerstag. Koran wie "Mein Kampf" verbieten >>> Ag. | Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010

Pays-Bas: le député Wilders débouté

LE FIGARO: Un tribunal d'Amsterdam a rejeté mercredi une requête du député d'extrême droite néerlandais Geert Wilders, réalisateur du film anti-islam "Fitna", contre l'acte d'accusation du parquet qui le poursuit notamment pour incitation à la haine raciale. La requête de M. Wilders, qui conteste les poursuites dont il fait l'objet, est "non recevable", a indiqué le tribunal.

M. Wilders, 46 ans, est accusé d'avoir insulté les musulmans et d'avoir incité à la haine et à la discrimination à leur égard pour avoir comparé le Coran au "Mein Kampf" d'Adolf Hitler, selon l'acte d'accusation dont l'AFP a obtenu une copie. Il est également poursuivi pour incitation à la haine et à la discrimination envers les personnes d'origine étrangère, notamment marocaine, pour des propos tenus dans la presse et sur internet. >>> AFP | Mercredi 13 Janvier 2010

Lights Dim on West: Prosecution Widens Charges Against Free Speech in Geert Wilders Trial

ATLAS SHRUGS: They are creating new charges against Geert Wilders, this century's Winston Churchill. This is bad news for Wilders, but worse news for us. For Wilders is merely our proxy in this war on Western civilization and values. This is our battle.

The escalation in the persecution of Wilders is directly related to his popularity. He is now the number one party in the Netherlands (origin of recent Muslim plane attackers). So not only is Wilders being prosecuted, but so are a majority of beleaguered Dutch folks.

Islamic jihad can keep up its relentless destruction of the West but do not dare talk about it.

The trial begins January 20th. >>> Pamela Geller | Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prosecution of Wilders Will Go Ahead

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLWIDE: The Public Prosecutor's Office will now definitely go ahead with the prosecution of the populist MP Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and discrimination. The Supreme Court refused to consider an appeal from Mr Wilders' lawyer Bram Moszkowicz to get the case dropped. This was the last avenue of appeal.

Initially the Public Prosecutor had no intention of putting Mr Wilders on trial, until an Amsterdam court responded to complaints lodged by prominent lawyer Gerard Spong and others by ruling that Mr Wilders had exceeded his parliamentary privilege and committed punishable offences.

He will be charged with inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims, particularly by comparing the Qur'an with Hitler's Mein Kampf and Islam with fascism.

On the website of his Freedom Party, Mr Wilders said, "It is a political trial. I am being prosecuted for saying about Islam what millions of Dutch people think. Freedom of speech is in danger of being sacrificed on the altar of Islam." Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin commented, "We do not have political trials in the Netherlands." [Source: RNW] | Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Top Lawyer to Defend Dutch Anti-Islam MP Wilders

Bram Moszkowitcz is one of the Netherlands’ top advocates. Photo courtesy of Google Images

"I've hired the best lawyer of the Netherlands for a ruthless fight against the charges that I'm facing." – Geert Wilders

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Rightwing populist Dutch MP Geert Wilders has enlisted one of the Netherlands' top lawyers to fight his prosecution over inciting hatred. The lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, has confirmed he is taking the case to the country's Supreme Court, requesting an immediate end to the proceedings. He is calling for the Court to quash the prosecution order "in the interest of the law". The Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) is the country's highest judicial body. >>> By Rob Kievit | Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>