THE GUARDIAN: Former central banker will be only second prime minister in Canadian history without a seat in parliament
Mark Carney, the former central banker who oversaw the response to financial crises in North America and the UK, will become the next prime minister of Canada after winning the race to lead the country’s federal Liberal party.
Carney, 59, takes on the role as Canada is locked in a potentially catastrophic trade war with the US, long its closest ally and largest trading partner. Earlier in the week, Donald Trump announced a 25% tax on all Canadian goods, with a carveout for the automotive and energy sectors. The tariffs have the power to push Canada’s fragile economy in a recession.
Ahead of the announcement, the outgoing prime minister, Justin Trudeau, electrified the crowd by telling Liberals he was “damn proud” of his government’s legacy.
But he warned of dangerous time for the country. “This is a nation-defining moment. Democracy is not a given. Freedom is not a given. Even Canada is not a given,” he told supporters.
He also drew on the “elbows up” rallying cry to intense applause - a phrase from ice hockey legend Gordie Howe popularized in recent weeks amid threats from Trump to annex Canada. » | Leyland Cecco in Toronto | Sunday, March 9, 2025
Canada : Mark Carney devient le futur premier ministre en succédant à Justin Trudeau : L’ère Trudeau a pris fin cette nuit au Canada avec l’élection de l’ancien gouverneur de la banque nationale, un homme sans expérience politique qui devra, pour rester premier ministre, gagner les élections générales prévues au plus tard en octobre. »
Wirtschaftsexperte Mark Carney wird Nachfolger von Justin Trudeau: Die Liberale Partei von Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau hat Mark Carney zum neuen Parteichef gewählt. Dieser wird damit zunächst bis zu den Wahlen Premierminister. »