Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Lawrence: Any Rational Thing Dems Say to Trump, Musk ‘Bounces off the Solid Wall of Stupidity’

Feb 5, 2025 | MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains that because of the second Trump’s presidency’s “stupidity” and lies, Democrats who rise in opposition to what Donald Trump and Elon Musk are doing risk sounding ineffectual.

Trump should be in clink, not in the White House. It is a disgrace that the US justice system failed to incarcerate this troublesome character long ago. The system had plenty of chances to do so. As a result, decent Americans will pay a heavy price for this failure for a very long time to come. This must surely be the start of the US losing its hegemony and the start of its descent into the abyss. How will the rest of the decent world ever be able to hold the US in high regard after the débâcle of Trump’s presidency? – © Mark Alexander