Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reform UK MP Wants to Kill the NHS by Opting Out?

Jan 14, 2025 | Is the NHS safe in the hands of Nigel Farage and Reform UK? Well, according to Rupert Lowe MP, it is a beast on the backs of British people and they should be allowed to opt out of what he called a centrally planned system. However what Reform would like is something akin to what is in place in the US, a private health insurance model which see thousands go bankupt due to medical bills each year.

Clearly, Rupert Lowe is an ignorant man! An ignorant man in a party led by a numbskull!

So, if this man opts out of the NHS, what happens to him if he is involved in a car accident? When a person is in a car accident, regardless of whether he/she has private health insurance or not, the person is taken to the NEAREST NHS HOSPITAL. There is no time to drive the injured patient to a private hospital of his choice. Even if the injured person has the most expensive health insurance available, he/she will be driven poste haste to the nearest NHS hospital – and free of charge. By contrast, when I once needed an ambulance in the States to take me to the nearest hospital which was only five miles down the road, I ended up with a bill of approximately $650 — that was about thirteen years ago — for the one-way trip. At the time, I could have flown from Boston to Heathrow second class cheaper! So much for the American private healthcare system!

The NHS is no longer as good as it used to be, largely because of Cameron and his Conservative henchmen who imposed austerity on the nation, but it can be improved again. And it will. It must be. Let the Americans have their hugely expensive private healthcare system, and we’ll stick to the NHS. Even with an NHS, it is still possible to have private medical care on top of it. But this is usually used for elective medical care rather than for emergencies.

It seems to me that all that was good about this country is under attack now from the far right. We must resist their attempts to destroy the UK. – © Mark Alexander