Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Richard Wolff: The Final Case Against Donald J. Trump

Oct 20, 2024 | Richard Wolff is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a visiting professor at The New School, where he works on economics in the Marxist tradition. This is Richard’s fifth appearance on Robinson’s Podcast. He and Robinson discussed some of the most profound criticisms of capitalism. They focused on the myths surrounding Marxism and Marx himself. They covered the Israel-Palestine conflict from a Marxist perspective.

Dr Richard Worlff is a Marxist economist. He has a brilliant mind. However, the mere fact that I am posting this discussion on my blog should IN NO WAY be construed as an endorsement of Marxism. It is not an endorsement; I do not endorse it. I do, however, find Dr Richard Wolff a fascinating character and a man who is extremely intelligent and insightful. Do I agree with his take on everything discussed in this video? Certainly not! But, as my regular visitors should know by now, I do not post videos on this blog simply because I agree with everything discussed in them. Were I to adopt that strategy, I should find it very difficult to post ANYTHING!

As a person, I like to have my thinking challenged. If I think something is particularly good, insightful, or interesting, then I usually post it. Even if the video is controversial. In fact, a little controversy can stimulate one’s thinking. Controversy is to thinking what spice is the food! I hope that you enjoy the discussion. – © Mark Alexander