Sunday, September 29, 2024

Starmer’s Absurd Idea of Introducing a Law Criminalising Islamophobia

MARK ALEXANDER: This country needs no Islamophobia law. There is nothing phobic about fearing Islam. A phobia is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam. For starters, it wants to take over the country. Muslims believe that the country will eventually belong to them. Each country it has been allowed into to put down roots, it has eventually taken over. Further, I can think of only one country where this process has been reversed: Al Andalus, or Moorish Spain. It should be noted that it took the Spaniards 800 years to expel the Moors!

Further, the ‘religion’ — more accurately the ‘way of life’ — has some abysmal practices such as killing homosexuals, killing apostates, stoning women to death for disobedience, treating women unequally, stoning people to death for godlessness, etc. The list of transgressions and wicked punishments goes on and on.

So why, exactly, should this country adopt a law outlawing Islamophobia? Until Islam is reformed — which will never happen because it is believed that the words in the Qur’an are the actual words of Allah! — and until Islam becomes enlightened, until Islam stops being supremacist, until Islam gives up its desire to impose the Shari’ah, we would be crazy not to fear it! Ergo, no law outlawing Islamophobia has any place in a modern, progressive country such as the United Kingdom.

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