Monday, September 16, 2024

Huw Edwards Given Six-month Suspended Jail Sentence for Indecent Images of Children | BBC News

Sep 16, 202 | Former BBC News presenter Huw Edwards has been given a suspended six-month sentence for child abuse image offences, meaning he avoids jail. He is also required to complete a sex offender programme and will be on the sex offenders' register for seven years.

In July, Edwards admitted having 41 such images which were sent to him on WhatsApp. The sentencing hearing is told Edwards, 63, paid another man, Alex Williams, hundreds of pounds of for gifts and presents in exchange for the images.

After sentencing, the BBC said: "We are appalled by his crimes. He has betrayed not just the BBC, but audiences who put their trust in him.

Related links on Huw Edwards here.

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