Monday, September 30, 2024

Brexit and the Empire: Is This the End of ‘Global Britain’? | DISPATCH | UK Politics Documentary

Sep 30, 2024

Britons who voted for Brexit were either duped by the system and the lies they were fed or were insane. Nobody in his right mind who has any understanding of economics would have voted to leave the largest single market in the whole world — a market which is right on our doorstep!

We Brits have paid a very high price for this INSANITY and ECONOMIC IGNORANCE. We have ended up poorer! Much poorer! People like Farage, Hannan & Co., and other clowns like them would belong in the stocks of their local public squares in an earlier age. Idiotic clowns all! Alas we, the people, must pay the very high price for the follies of the few. We have been forced to relinquish our rights as full-on citizens of Europe with all the attendant privileges. And for what in return? To become “subjects of the King”? What a trade-off! We even have an inferior passport now! Blue, it may be; but inferior it is for sure! How can Brits feel proud to be British anymore when the country is going to the dogs? – © Mark Alexander