Saturday, August 17, 2024

The World Is Shocked at British Censorship & Lack of Free Speech and Our Authoritarian Government

Aug 17, 2024 | On today's NCF Deprogrammed, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellows Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Dr. Philip Kiszely and Amy Gallagher of Stand Up to Woke discuss the shocking stifling of free speech in Britain and the reaction of Elon Musk. Also, millions of Britons are now economically inactive and a net drain on the state.

A pall has come over the nation since Keir Starmer has become prime minister. I am retired, so I have lived for rather a long time already. But for the very first time in my life, I am nervous about writing anything on this blog. I feel that people who write on the Internet are being watched. Starmer's Britain is a rather intimidating place. For the first time in my life, I am now beginning to understand how an average German must have felt in Hitler's Third Reich. Anyone who disagreed with what was going on must have felt frightened to open their mouths.

This blog has been going for a very long time. Certainly more than twenty years. Never before have I ever given much thought about expressing my views – until now!

I always sleep extremely well; however, last night was the exception. I tossed and turned for much of the night, asking myself whether I should close this blog. That is how bad things have got under Herr Starmer! Freedom of speech in this country is a thing of the past. It hasn't taken Starmer long to kill it, either!

We all know why this is happening. This is not rocket science.

My country has been ruined by weak and badly-informed politicians of all stripes and hues. The passing of our wonderful, late Queen Elizabeth II hasn't helped any either. She was such a steadying hand. She was the embodiment of wisdom and long political experience. She had dealt with such an array of past prime ministers.

I have yet to decide about this blog. But I am giving its closure serious consideration. I shall keep you apprised. Naturally, I shall be hoping for better days ahead. However, any turning point is a long way off. We have a hard-left, socialist government. The modus operandi of such governments is always to ban things and take people's freedoms away from them. – © Mark Alexander