Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Michael Lambert: How Farage and Others Deliberately Provoke Racial Tensions for Political Gain

Aug 10, 2024

Naturally, I was equally appalled by the violence and the dreadful rioting, but my opinions on the causes of the violence depart from Michael Lambert’s quite markedly.

Starmer’s conclusion that it was caused by “far-right thuggery” is but a part of the problem. If he sets his sights on trying to solve this problem by treating that as the only cause of the problem, I believe he will be greatly mistaken, and will fail. The causes of these violent protests go far, far deeper than that!

Farage, as much as I dislike the man, especially because he brought us Brexit, is right about the growth of Islam in this country.

I wrote a book more than twenty years ago about the dangers of the growth of Islam in this country. Although I wrote the book way over twenty years ago, I warned everyone I could at that time, pre-Internet, about the growth of Islam in this country coming up to about forty years ago! My experience of working in the Middle East alerted me to the dangers of Islam way back then. But in those days nobody wanted to know about the dangers that lay ahead, people were unaware of the dangers of Islam to the Western way of life. Generally, they knew nothing about Islam in those days, either. The fact of the matter is this: Islamic values and Western values are totally and utterly immiscible.

In my opinion, the growth of Islam in this country played no small part in causing those heinous riots. Add to that, we must remember that we have had nearly fifteen years of austerity under the Conservatives. People with few means have been hurting – and hurting badly, too.

Then there is the ever-widening gap in this country between the haves and have-nots. That certainly hasn’t helped the situation one little bit. And the more the gap will widen, the greater the danger of disturbances will get. A huge wealth gap between the rich and the poor is not conducive to societal cohesion.

The working-class people who rioted probably also had in their minds that so much money can be found to pay millions to house immigrants in hotels, yet the working class’s needs have been largely ignored.

I could write far, far more on this, but I shall leave it at that for now. I should add, however, that I am appalled and troubled by Starmer’s reactions to these riots. There is talk of his shutting up the people, especially online — with possible jail sentences for transgressors — and further, I have read that that there is a possible Islamophobia bill in the pipeline, too. If he passes such a stupid a bill, it will be the beginning of the end for this country. Censorship has always traditionally been the modus operandi of left-wing governments. Starmer’s left-wing government is clearly no exception to the rule. The UK is starting to resemble East Germany. It seems that Starmer is establishing his very own STASI! It is said that they have started keeping tabs on everybody now. Starmer was, after all, a public prosecutor. This development gives me a sense of foreboding about the direction this country is going under this authoritarian government. So just living in this country now makes me feel very uneasy. © Mark Alexander