Monday, August 05, 2024

How Recent ‘Xenophobic’ Riots Compare to 2011 ‘Anti-police’ London Looting

Aug 5, 2024 | “There’s a common process here, which is people who get involved in these events think that other people support them.” Rioters “feel empowered” when they loot and cause violence because they “don’t feel alone” at a large demonstration, says social psychologist John Drury.

Both Islamophobia and Islamism are nonsense terms. A phobia is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about fearing Islam, a religion which has the goal of domination. And as for Islamism, there is no such thing. The concept of Islamism has been made up by Westerners to create a distance between Islam, the religion, and Islamism, or political Islam. Only someone who is totally ignorant of Islam would make such a distinction. The fact of the matter is this, and it is clear: Islam is political. Islam recognises no separation of mosque and state, no separation of the temporal from the spiritual. Truth to tell, an Islamist is a fully-practising Muslim. He is carrying out his faith as it is supposed to be carried out.

Here's the thing: Western values and Islamic values are totally and utterly immiscible. A state cannot successfully pursue policies of equal rights for all when Islam is in the mix. Does anyone seriously believe that Muslims will ever accept rights for gays? Or ever accept that women are equal to men?

Neither this government under Keir Starmer, nor any other government under some other leader, be he Labour or Conservative, is ever going to solve this problem — and it is truly a HUGE problem to solve — unless and until the facts mentioned above are fully understood. Government policies must be based on understanding the true nature of Islam.

My greatest fear is that these riots, in the long-run, will only get worse if PROPER SOLUTIONS to the problem are not found. Band aids just will not do. – © Mark Alexander