Monday, July 15, 2024

The Men with Many Wives | Our Life

Apr 9, 2024 | This revealing film explores the world of polygamous marriages amongst British Muslims. While polygamy is illegal under British law, it is permitted under Sharia law, and while unusual, some estimate there are as many as 20,000 polygamous marriages amongst Muslims in the UK today. The film examines the daily challenges of polygamous life and the motivation behind those looking for another wife and considers whether they are compelled by desire or tradition and meets those who are trying to make polygamy acceptable to mainstream UK society. The film poses difficult questions, not only around reconciling Muslim values with modern British society but also on questions of duty, love and betrayal. | This film was first broadcast: 24 Sep 2014

Welcome to the new Britain! We indigenous Britons will soon be in the minority. Birth rates in the Muslim communities are far higher than in the indigenous, British communities. This can mean one thing and one thing only: the future of the United Kingdom belongs to Muslims and Islam! Our politicians have a lot to answer for, and so have feminists. Who gave our politicians the right to allow polygamy in the United Kingdom? White, Christian Brits would be jailed if they were found to have multiple wives. So what makes it alright for one community, but not for the other? Our future looks bleak; or future looks green; our future looks Islamic! – © Mark Alexander