Monday, July 01, 2024

Greece Introduces ‘Growth-oriented’ Six-day Working Week

THE GUARDIAN: Pro-business government says measure is needed due to shrinking population and shortage of skilled workers

Companies in countries worldwide may be toying with the idea of implementing shorter working weeks, but in Greece employees have been told that, henceforth, they can put in a sixth day of labour in an unorthodox step aimed at turbocharging productivity.

After outpacing other Europeans in terms of economic growth, the nation once at the heart of the continent’s worst financial crisis has bucked the trend again, introducing a 48-hour working week. The measure, decried as “barbaric” by unions, takes effect from Monday.

“It makes no sense whatsoever,” said Akis Sotiropoulos an executive committee member of the civil servants’ union Adedy. “When almost every other civilised country is enacting a four-day week, Greece decides to go the other way.” » | Helena Smith in Athens | Monday, July 1, 2024

Why are extreme right-wingers always so regressive? There must be something in their DNA or genes. They always want to keep the little people short of money, and they also want to work them into the ground. They're a sad bunch. They really are. – © Mark Alexander

Meanwhile Germany starts testing out a four-day work week »