Saturday, July 06, 2024

Cannabis for All (Reupload) | Documentary

Jul 6, 2024 | Since 1 April 2024, cannabis has been legal to consume in Germany which raises a number of major questions: where should the 400 tonnes of resin consumed each year in Germany come from?

This shows just how ridiculous and stupid Rishi Sunak’s generational smoking ban was. Thank God he has been kicked into the long grass. It is to be hoped that his successor will not resurrect that ridiculous idea. It makes no sense to ban cigarette smoking. Period! And at a time in which countries across the West are busy making the smoking of cannabis legal, it makes even less sense. Were I to have a son/daughter, I would prefer him/her to take up the smoking habit than take up the cannabis habit! But, truth to tell, I do not endorse the legalisation of cannabis for recreational purposes. For medicinal purposes, yes.

I am a former smoker. I quit in early April 2022. Cold turkey. But even though I have quit, I shall still defend a person’s right to enjoy a cigarette. I derived untold pleasure from the habit. And, for your information, I NEVER felt addicted to it. Nicotine is NOT an addictive substance. Anyone who tells you otherwise is talking BS. – © Mark Alexander