Sunday, June 30, 2024

Victorian Levels of Poverty Will Return to the UK

May 1, 2024

The Tories should hang their heads in shame! Their governance of this country has destroyed the nation’s economy, broken beyond repair the country’s sense of community and cohesion, and lined the pockets of the superrich to overflowing. And in so doing have created poverty that this country hasn't seen since the Victorian Era.

The man speaking in this video is one of the superrich, despite his self-confessed working class origins. He is a man with a sense of fairness and has been crying out for something to be done about inequality in this country for a very long time. But no one of the ruling class is listening. There are none so deaf as those who don’t want to hear!

This colossal wealth inequality all started with Thatcher. That woman is the root of so many of our current ills. The lady might not have been for turning, but she certainly was for creating unequal distribution of wealth!

’Nuff’ said! – © Mark Alexander