Sunday, June 30, 2024

The 14 Long and Wasted Years of Tory Britain

THE OBSERVER: Before the Conservatives were elected in 2010, David Cameron set out his vision of a prosperous, secure country that would care for all. On every metric, by every yardstick, his party has failed

Some neuroscientists describe it as Life Review. It’s the term they give to those slow-motion instants – after your car hits the black ice but before its impact with the oncoming juggernaut – in which TikTok clips of your whole past are played in front of your eyes. Some argue that the phenomenon is the result of a massive overdose of the flight or fight response, which triggers the brain’s darkest memories and defining emotions all at once. Others, fancifully, that it is evidence of the spirit packing its bags for the life hereafter.

You’d have to say that the sickening squeal of brakes that attends the impending car crash of the Conservative party lends weight to the first of those theories. » |Tim Adams | Sunday, June 30, 2024