Friday, November 24, 2023

Dublin Stabbings: Mass Immigration 'Without the Consent of the Irish People' | Kevin Meagher

Nov 24, 2023 | Kevin Meagher: A million migrants, there or thereabouts, have come and settled in Ireland over that last decade. It's been a massive social change, very, very quickly... Done without the electoral consent of the Irish people and it's created a very big backlash.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind!

Two very important changes in society spring immediately to mind here: one, the quality of our politicians; and two, women preferring to work and have careers instead of marrying and having babies.

Feminism has so much to answer for! So it must shoulder a lot of blame for the mess we see in society today. Fact number one is you can’t have both babies and careers; you either make babies or you make careers. It’s as simple as that. Fact number two is if you decide not to give birth, then the nation has to ‘import’ the workforce necessary to feed the economy with labour. We can see the rising tensions this causes. However nice foreigners are, these people have different values. If people’s values differ too much, tensions and sometimes violence ensue.

Fact number two is that the calibre of our politicians these days leaves much to be desired. So many politicians are elected to parliament in spite of a total lack of work experience. Many enter parliament straight from university. Moreover, the reason they go into politics is so often to make money for themselves and also to make a name for themselves, instead of making a contribution to the well-being of the nation. The other thing that is so glaringly wrong is the taking of second jobs whilst still an MP. How can a politician do his/her job as an MP properly when so much of their time is taken up by their commitments to their secondary employment? – © Mark Alexander