Thursday, May 11, 2023

Labour and Lib Dems Can Win Big by Calling Out the Brexit Mess

THE GUARDIAN: We must never stop speaking up on the damage it is doing to Britain’s economy, society, culture and standing in the world

Nelson Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” It’s one of many political quotes that I have on my office wall. Sadly, the Brexiters had it on their walls too. They showed how change once thought unthinkable can become the status quo. With the populist virus still rife in the Tory party, with Labour insisting it will “make Brexit work” and the Lib Dems also largely silent on it, it would appear to be the settled will of our politics that the Brexit decision cannot be revisited.

But if converting the country to a bad Brexit was possible, so is restoring it to good sense. People by and large accepted the result. They gave the government the chance to show it could work. However, bit by bit, despite the welter of gaslighting propaganda, more and more have learned through direct experience that Brexit is damaging lives and livelihoods. » | Alastair Campbell | Thursday, May 11, 2023