Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Raven Foundation: James Alison on Frédéric Martel's "In The Closet of the Vatican" | 2019

Mar 15, 2019 | "In The Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy" by Frédéric Martel reveals a mind-boggling paradox: that behind the official Church teaching that gay men are “objectively disordered”, inherently disposed towards “intrinsic moral evil” and not suited to the priesthood are closeted gay priests who have risen to top positions at the Vatican. In this interview with Suzanne Ross, Father James Alison, who is an openly gay Catholic priest, expresses his hope that the secrets exposed in this book will lead to a new level of honesty and transparency within the Catholic Church, resulting in freedom for gay priests to be fully themselves as they minister to church members. Father Alison also offers advice for people scandalized by the book that will comfort them and restore their faith.