Monday, October 24, 2022

Rishi Sunak to Become UK's First British Asian Prime Minister - BBC News

This is totally undemocratic, of course. What we need is a general election, not have all these prime ministers foisted upon us.

Naturally, I wish him all the best and he is probably the best of the bunch; but he is a staunch Brexiteer. So that makes me feel uneasy.

If Rishi Sunak wishes to succeed in this, he needs to find a way of convincing his Party and the country that Brexit needs urgently to be reversed. Unless Brexit is reversed, trying to "make Brexit work" will be as effective as trying to breathe life back into a dead parrot!

Remaining outside of the European Union will ensure that this country's economy underperforms; it will also ensure that we Brits will become ever poorer. – © Mark Alexander

Royaume-Uni : Rishi Sunak désigné par le Parti conservateur pour être le nouveau premier ministre : L’ex-ministre des finances deviendra le cinquième conservateur à prendre la tête du gouvernement depuis le référendum sur le Brexit en 2016, et le premier non-blanc à diriger le pays. »

Rishi Sunak wird britischer Premierminister: Das Vereinigte Königreich wird erstmals von einem indischstämmigen Premierminister regiert. Am Ende war keine Abstimmung in Fraktion oder Partei nötig: Es gab keine Konkurrenz mehr. »

It’s the beginning of the Sunak era – and the end of Britain’s Brexitist delusions: The new PM faces big challenges and will probably have diehard Brexiters in his cabinet. But as a realist, he will see the need to steer a new course »