Friday, April 29, 2022

Boris Becker Jailed for Two Years for Hiding Assets after Bankruptcy

THE GUARDIAN: Former tennis star found guilty of four charges by a jury at Southwark crown court earlier this month

Boris Becker was worth about £38m in his heyday in prize money and sponsorship deals.Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Boris Becker has been jailed for two years and six months for hiding millions of pounds’ worth of assets after being made bankrupt in June 2017.

Sentencing Becker on Friday, the judge, Deborah Taylor, said: “I take into account what has been described as your ‘fall from grace'. You have lost your career and reputation and all of your property as a result of your bankruptcy.”

But she added: “You have not shown remorse, acceptance of your guilt and have sought to distance yourself from your offending and your bankruptcy. While I accept your humiliation as part of the proceedings, there has been no humility.”

The former tennis star, sentenced under the Insolvency Act, will serve half the full prison term. He was found guilty of four charges by a jury at Southwark crown court this month but acquitted of a further 20 counts relating to his 2017 bankruptcy. He had faced a maximum prison sentence of seven years. » | Amelia Hill | Friday, April 29, 2022

Boris Becker in London zu zweieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt: Schicksalstag für eine Tennis-Legende: Boris Becker ist wegen seiner Insolvenzstraftaten zu zweieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Das entschied ein Gericht in London am Freitag. »

Tennis : Boris Becker condamné à deux ans et demi de prison : L'ancienne star de tennis a notamment été déclarée coupable notamment d'avoir caché 2,5 millions de livres sterling. »

Boris Becker Sentenced to Two and a Half Years for Hiding Assets in Bankruptcy: The former tennis champion was found guilty by a London court on charges related to his 2017 insolvency. »

Wie aus dem Märchen ein Drama wurde: Wimbledon 1985 wirkt bis heute. Doch die Haftstrafe für Boris Becker zeigt die Tragik seines Lebens. Auf dem Platz überstrahlten seine Stärken oft seine Schwächen. Nach der Karriere ist es andersherum. »