Saturday, March 26, 2022

Michael Lambert: The Chaotic State of British Politics under Boris Johnson

Mar 26, 2022 • The chaotic state of British politics under Boris Johnson is set to get worse. A government of incompetent second-rate ministers led by a self-obsessed clown is no way to run a country.

We are told that Johnson ‘Got Brexit Done’ and yet it is far from done and has so far caused a 15% drop in exports to the EU and an overall fall of 4% of GDP according to the Office for Budget Responibility (OBR).

We are told about the 'fastest booster rollout' whilst the having the highest number of Covid deaths in Europe, which is never mentioned.

At a time when personalities and slick catchphrases such as 'Take Back Control' persuade voters, we have a parliament which has no power. The prime minister is in total command of his party which, thanks to ‘First Past the Post’ has a huge majority. Without any effective opposition from withing his own party or from the official opposition the prime minister can act as a dictator. Parliament has become powerless and useless.

Proportional representation would help to resolve many of the problems by ensuring that all voters were fairly represented in parliament. Above al,l it is time for our antiquated system of government to be modernised by automating much of the decision-making using super computers with far more power and intelligence than any politicians.