Saturday, January 15, 2022

Lead or Step Aside, Senior Tory Tobias Ellwood Tells Boris Johnson


BBC: Boris Johnson must "lead or step aside", senior Tory and former minister Tobias Ellwood has told the BBC.

Mr Ellwood, who chairs the defence select committee, said "we need leadership" following reports of parties being held in Downing Street while Covid restrictions were in place.

It comes as hundreds of angry constituents contact their MPs.

The government has urged people to reserve judgement until senior civil servant Sue Gray's inquiry is finished.

But Andrew Bridgen, Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire, said: "I don't need to see what Sue Gray says to know that for me Boris Johnson has lost the moral authority to lead the country.

"If there's another emergency where he has to call on the public to make sacrifices, he doesn't have that authority. That makes his position in my book, as prime minister, completely untenable." » | BBC | Saturday, January 15, 2022