Saturday, January 15, 2022

Johnson's Non-apology, the Next Prime Minister? And the Smugness of Rees-Mogg

Jan 15, 2022 • At PMQ's this week Johnson effectively apologised for being found out. He admitted having visited a gathering for which 100 guests had been invited, noticed that the thirty who had turned up were drinking alcohol and eating and, having spent twenty minutes with them, decided that this was a work meeting and left. This was at a time when any gathering of more than two people outside was illegal.

He said he believed that no offence had been committed. This and the further revelations about another eleven parties held whilst lockdown was in place, has almost certainly sealed Johnson's fate.

In the meantime, those who seek to drink from the poisoned chalice and replace Johnson are preparing for action. The favourites appear to be Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove. Rees-Mogg, a man who has lived a life of privilege and wealth displays considerable levels of self-importance, condescension and pomposity. Despite his privileged education which he is always ready to display, he is a foolish man with a childish sense of humour and a tendency to make foolish and inappropriate remarks. Far from being the intellectual he seems to think he is, he is a rather foolish man. NOTE: I inadvertently referred to Sue Gray as Anne Gray – apologies.