Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Covid: Germany Enveloped in ‘Massive’ Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

THE GUARDIAN: Health minister says wave ‘far from over’ as vaccination rate flatlines and clinics report rising numbers of Covid-19 patients

Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn, has warned that his country is going through a “massive” pandemic of the unvaccinated.

“The pandemic is far from over,” said Spahn, a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). “We are currently experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated, which is massive. There would be fewer coronavirus patients on intensive care units if more people would let themselves be vaccinated.”

In the last week several German clinics have raised alarm about rising numbers of patients with Covid-19 on the wards. On Wednesday authorities reported 2,220 patients in intensive care beds, the highest number since the start of June.

Over the last seven days 666 people have died from the virus in Germany, slightly more than in the same week a year ago, before the start of the vaccination drive and the arrival of the more infectious Delta variant. For now the number of fatalities is rising less steeply than it did during the previous three coronavirus waves in the country. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Kanzlerin erwägt neue Regeln für Ungeimpfte: Die Politik zeigt sich besorgt über die steigenden Infektionszahlen, das Kanzleramt dringt auf ein rasches Bund-Länder-Treffen. Die 2G-Regeln könnten ausgeweitet werden. »

En France aussi, la hausse du taux d'infections est inquiétante :

Covid-19 : le masque à nouveau obligatoire à l'école à partir de lundi dans 39 départements : La hausse du taux d'incidence provoque un rétropédalage sur les mesures d'allègement des mesures sanitaires, alors que 79 territoires étaient exempts du masque dans les salles de classe. »

In England as well, the chief medical officer fears Covid is spreading into older age groups:

Jonathan Van-Tam voices concerns over rising Covid death rate: England’s deputy chief medical officer says he fears infection is spreading into older age groups »

Allzeithoch bei Neuinfektionen: Die vierte Corona-Welle rollt weiter – den Höchststand der dritten Welle hat sie nunmehr übertroffen. Die Gesundheitsminister ringen um einen gemeinsamen Corona-Kurs. Wie könnte der aussehen? »