Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Unfit for Office: Why Jacob Rees-Mogg Is a Disgrace - Truth To Power

May 26, 2021 • The channel where we speak truth to power about British politics, and challenge the establishment narrative peddled by the overwhelmingly right wing press and BBC. In the words of Noam Chomsky, "power knows the truth already, and is busy concealing it". Let's make it as hard for them as possible to do so, on Brexit, Corruption, the Economy, the NHS, Electoral Reform, Taxation, Equality and Climate Change.

Our recent poll clearly showed that Jacob Rees-Mogg is the most disliked senior Tory, winning more than half of votes from our viewers. In this video, I’m taking a look at why that could possibly be. Perhaps it’s his bigotry, his disdain for the poor, allegations of racism and anti-Semitism, his hard Brexit zeal, or his involvement in tax avoidance schemes?

When you take one look at this man, you have to ask yourself which century we're living in! Isn't it amazing that Brits can elect a man such as this to 'lead them'? To me, he looks as if he belongs in a circus! – © Mark