Saturday, September 11, 2021

This Is What They Voted for: Top 5 Brexit Crises This Autumn. | Truth to Power

But aren’t BoJo & Co. re-building the British Empire? All will be well when we have an empire again!!!

Let’s face it: BoJo is a clown! He knows absolutely NOTHING about economics or geopolitics! He also doesn’t know anything about governing. In fact, he’s a know-nothing oaf! An oaf with a posh accent.

Despite being a one-time ‘dyed-in-the-wool’ Conservative voter, I declare here and now, I shall NEVER EVER vote Conservative again! They have taken my rights as a European citizen away from me/us, and that is unforgiveable. I am a European first and foremost! They have also caused food shortages in the shops and supermarkets. Before Brexit, you could get almost anything you wanted or needed. Not anymore! Now, so many shelves in supermarkets are bare. And prices are rising, too. Thank God I stopped voting Conservative when Cameron entered Number 10. I didn’t vote for him, either. I voted for Nick Clegg instead. One look at Cameron and I smelt the rat! I could see that he was slippery and not up to the job. I said to myself: I can’t possibly vote for this vacuous man! Never again will I trust the Conservatives to govern this country. Because of the nature of British polics, this renders me disenfranchised. On principle, I can't vote for the Labour Party; and voting for the LibDems is generally tantamount to wasting one's vote. I think the time is nigh for me to leave these shores. The country has turned into a madhouse! – © Mark