Thursday, September 09, 2021

On Masculinity

True masculinity is not behaving in a macho way. Rather, it is being able to show strength in adversity; being able to overcome major setbacks in life; being able to overcome overwhelmingly difficult situations; and then being able to survive. It takes courage to do those things. Courage is what is called for in a man, not faux masculinity. Courage is having the strength to overcome.

History is replete with strong, gay men – gay military men, too! In fact, leaders of all sorts. Society needs to get away from the notion that showing love and affection, either as a gay or straight man, is weak. It most certainly is not. Most gay men are also not effeminate! In fact, most gay men these days are anything but effeminate. Effeminate gay men are an old theatrical parody of the nature of gay men. But it is a very distorted, cruel and incorrect one. © Mark