Thursday, August 12, 2021

Taliban Advances in Afghanistan Could Bring Political Peril for Biden

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The president had hoped to win credit for ending one of America’s “forever wars.” But new risks are coming into view.

Displaced Afghans at a makeshift camp on Tuesday in Kabul, the capital. The threat of a Taliban conquest and new risks to U.S. personnel and allies in the country could cause Americans to reconsider their views. Credit...Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

When President Biden announced his plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the politics seemed relatively simple: Many polls showed that Americans supported ending the country’s nearly 20-year involvement in a war whose goals had become obscure.

But four months later, with the Taliban storming across the country much faster and more ruthlessly than expected, new political risks are coming into view for Mr. Biden, who had hoped to win credit for ending what he has called one of America’s “forever wars.”

Now U.S. officials are racing to evacuate Afghans who assisted the American military and may be targets of Taliban reprisals, and are contemplating the prospect of hastily evacuating the 4,000 Americans at the U.S. Embassy in the capital city of Kabul.

The threat of a Taliban conquest and new risks to U.S. personnel and allies in the country could cause Americans who had been paying little attention to Afghanistan for the past several years to reconsider their views, particularly if Republicans amplify a message of American failure and capitulation. » | Michael Crowley | Published: Wednesday, August 11, 2021; Updated: Thursday, August 12, 2021