Monday, August 16, 2021

Joe Biden Putting a Positive Spin on a Disaster!

This débâcle in Afghanistan has exposed the cracks, fissures and weaknesses of America today. The USA is looking more like a paper tiger with each passing day! It is a sad fact that the United Kingdom, if indeed that nomenclature is apt–it often feels more disUnited than United after Brexit!–has hitched its wagon to the USA and abandoned its brothers, sisters and allies in Europe, where its true loyalties lie and belong.

As much as I love America and Americans–indeed my late partner was an American, so no-one can accuse me of being anti-American–I cannot help but feel that my nation’s destiny lies in and with Europe, not with the USA. A transatlantic friendship and partnership with the USA is delightful and very welcome; however, our true destiny must lie with our brothers, sisters and close friends in Europe. Vive l’Europe ! Es lebe Europa! Long live Europe! – © Mark