Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Raise Age for Sale of Cigarettes to 21 and Stop ‘Tobacco Epidemic’, Say UK MPs

THE GUARDIAN: Making it illegal for more young people to buy cigarettes would help meet the government’s target of ending smoking by 2030, MPs say

MPs have called for a consultation on raising the age for the sale of cigarettes to 21 from 18 in order to end the “tobacco epidemic” by 2030.

The all-party parliamentary group on smoking and health has recommended raising the age of sale from 18 to 21 as part of tougher tobacco regulations to protect children and young people from becoming smokers and help smokers quit.

The recommendations, backed by health charities and medical organisations, also include a “polluter pays” amendment to the health and social care bill to secure funding for a tobacco control programme, forcing manufacturers to pay to deliver the end of smoking.

The cross-party group of MPs and peers has warned the government that it can only build back “better and fairer” from the pandemic by making smoking obsolete and must commit now to the actions needed to secure its vision of a Smokefree 2030. » | Press Association | Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Somebody ought to shut these meddlesome do-gooders up! Kick them out of government! I am all for discouraging smoking, but I am against this nanny state. They are attacking smokers at every turn: they are making smokers’ lives intolerable. They are also turning the smoking habit into the preserve of the élite. I hope and trust that if they go ahead and raise the age to buy cigarettes to 21, they will not expect anyone under the age of twenty-one to go fight their damn wars! If you aren’t old enough to smoke, then you are certainly not old enough to kill! Politicians' time would be better spent putting an end to corruption in this extremely corrupt country of ours! –©Mark