Saturday, August 03, 2019

Boris Johnson Is the Last Person Young Brits Would Vote For

THE GUARDIAN: It’s not just his destructive Brexit stance, his values are entirely opposed to ours

The Daily Express is calling it “the Boris effect”. Johnson’s election has reportedly caused a “record jump” in the polls for the Conservative party, with the Telegraph gleefully reporting that its prized former columnist has received the largest bounce of any Conservative leader in the past two decades.

Though Tory hopes were dented by the party’s defeat in Thursday’s Brecon and Radnorshire by-election, supporters still believe Johnson is capable of winning a general election – which could happen within months.

And there are those on the newly energised right who feel that, after three years of the dour Theresa May, the sheer force of Johnson’s “personality” or “charisma” – yet to be convincingly defined – could yet bring young people into the fold and unite the country around a hard Brexit. His time as London mayor is often cited as evidence that a brand of socially liberal, business-friendly leadership can be repackaged and sold to younger voters. » | Lara Spirit | Saturday, August 3, 2019