Friday, March 22, 2019

What'll Be the Outcome of the US President's Latest Foreign Policy Thrust? l Inside Story

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967. It's been an occupied territory ever since, in defiance of multiple UN resolutions. Now, in a tweet, Donald Trump's seems set to overturn the US position and recognise Israel's sovreignty over Golan Heights.

It's a move designed to boost the standing of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as he campaigns for re-election. But there's already been an international outcry. Some accuse President Trump of bringing the region close to war.

So what will be the consequences of Trump's latest policy bombshell?

Presenter: Nick Clark | Guests: Mitchell Barak - CEO of Keevoon Global Research who was an adviser to former Israeli President Shimon Peres; Aaron Southlea - Advocacy Officer for Al-Marsad, the Arab Human Rights Centre in Golan Heights; Simon Mabon - Senior Lecturer in International Studies at Lancaster University