Friday, March 29, 2019

Have Protesters in Gaza Achieved Their Goal? | Inside Story

March 30 marks a year since mass demonstrations began at the fence that separates Gaza from Israel. Since then, Friday afternoon prayers have been followed by demonstrations by hundreds of Palestinians. They are demanding their right to return to the homes and land their families were expelled from 70 years ago.

Israeli soldiers have responded by firing live ammunition and Gaza's health ministry says they've now killed more than 250 people and injured thousands. The United Nations says more than 120 people have had one or both legs amputated. UN investigators say Israel has committed war crimes. All this, at a time of heightened tension in the region. So what's the way forward?

Presenter: Divya Gopalan | Guests: Mukhaimer Abu Saada, Professor of Political Science at Al Azhar University in Gaza; Mitchell Barak, CEO of Keevoon Global Research and was adviser to former Israeli President Shimon Peres and Speechwriter for Ex Prime Minister Ariel Sharon; Saleh Higazi, Deputy Regional Director covering the Middle East and North Africa region for Amnesty International