Saturday, May 20, 2017

Trump's White House: A Vortex of Scandal, Chaos and Absurdity

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The White House is becoming more chaotic by the day. Now, a special counsel has been brought in to investigate possible connections between President Donald Trump's team and Russia. But the most important question is now whether Trump is mentally stable enough to be president.

On Wednesday, a few hours before the special counsel was set loose on him, Donald Trump was standing before the graduates of the Coast Guard Academy. He was supposed to hold an inspiring talk, to spread a positive message, as one does at graduation speeches. Instead, he once again spoke about himself. "Over the course of your life, you will find that things are not always fair," he said to the graduating students. "Look at the way I've been treated, especially by the media," Trump said. "No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly."

No politician in history. Not Nelson Mandela. Not Mahatma Gandhi, not John F. Kennedy. Him. There stood a billionaire, inhabiting the most powerful office in the world, complaining about how unfair the world was. Because there seems to be one rule with Donald Trump: He is never to blame, even though almost everything currently happening to him is his fault. » | Mathieu von Rohr | Friday, May 19, 2017