Friday, August 26, 2016

German Students Should Take Compulsory Arabic Lessons Says Leading Professor

BREITBART.COM: A senior German educator has called for all pupils in the country to be forced to study Arabic until they graduate in the interests of the multicultural state.

Professor of Computer Science Thomas Strothotte and President of a private Hamburg university has argued that German children should be forced to learn Arabic alongside German so they would better understand the country’s 1.5 million new migrants and make them feel more welcome. He said it would help Germany become “a country of immigration, and a multilingual society”. » | Oliver Lane and Chris Tomlinson | Thursday, February 4, 2016

DIE WELT: "Arabisch soll in Deutschland zum Pflichtfach werden" : Alle deutschen Schüler sollen Arabisch lernen, fordert Professor Thomas Strothotte. Doch damit nicht genug: Die Vorschläge des Präsidenten einer Hamburger Privatuniversität reichen noch weiter. » | Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2016

JIHAD WATCH: Should Germans be Forced to Study Arabic? » | Hugh Fitzgerald | Friday, August 26, 2016